sub-divide — see subdivide … English dictionary
sub — sub·abdominal; sub·account; sub·acetate; sub·acid; sub·acidity; sub·acute; sub·adult; sub·aerial; sub·aesthetic; sub·age; sub·agency; sub·agent; sub·akhmimic; sub·alary; sub·alate; sub·alimentation; sub·alkaline; sub·allocate; sub·almoner;… … English syllables
Divide, Colorado — CDP Divide from Ute Pass Motto: Center of the Known Universe … Wikipedia
sub´di|vid´er — sub|di|vide «SUHB duh VYD, SUHB duh vyd», transitive verb, intransitive verb, vid|ed, vid|ing. 1. to divide again; divide into smaller parts. 2. to divide (land) into lots for houses, buildings, or other development: »A builder bought the farm,… … Useful english dictionary
sub|di|vide — «SUHB duh VYD, SUHB duh vyd», transitive verb, intransitive verb, vid|ed, vid|ing. 1. to divide again; divide into smaller parts. 2. to divide (land) into lots for houses, buildings, or other development: »A builder bought the farm, subdivided it … Useful english dictionary
Divide Township, Buffalo County, Nebraska — Divide Township Township Location in Buffalo County … Wikipedia
Divide Township, Phelps County, Nebraska — Divide Township Township Location in Phelps County … Wikipedia
Divide and conquer algorithm — In computer science, divide and conquer (D C) is an important algorithm design paradigm based on multi branched recursion. A divide and conquer algorithm works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub problems of the same (or… … Wikipedia
Sub-Carpathian Reformed Church — The Sub Carpathian Reformed Church (SCRC) ( uk. Закарпатська Реформатська Церква) is a Christian Protestant association in Ukraine which declares its foundations on the works of Huldrych Zwingli and John Calvin written during the 1520s and 1530s … Wikipedia
sub. — 1. subordinated. 2. subscription. 3. substitute. 4. suburb. 5. suburban. 6. subway. * * * abbrev Subject * * * sub1 «suhb», noun, adjective, verb, subbed, sub| … Useful english dictionary