
sub·di·vi·sion /'səb-də-ˌvi-zhən/ n
1: an act or instance of subdividing
obtain approval of his subdivision of the land
2: a tract of land subdivided into lots
to provide streets and sewers for the subdivision
3: a part made by subdividing
as prescribed in subdivision one of this section

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun bisection, categorization, category, class, classification, compartment, component, division, fraction, fragment, group, grouping, pars, part, partition, section, sector, segment, separation, subcategory, subclass, subgroup, subheading associated concepts: political subdivision, subdivision of a statute II index affiliate, chapter (branch), chapter (division), class, component, constituent (part), decentralization, denomination, department, detail, dichotomy, lot, member (constituent part), offshoot, organ, part (portion), province, section (division), segment, split, subheading

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

For various reasons a company may wish to consolidate its share capital by combining shares into units, for example consolidating 10p shares into ₤1 shares by combining each set of ten 10p shares held by the shareholder into one ₤1 share. This only works if the mathematics are right; you cannot be left with fractions. Subdivision is the opposite process. In each case, under the Companies Act 1985, the change is carried out by ordinary resolution and details must be filed at the Companies Registry.

Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. — UK law terms.

n. A reduction in area of a piece of land by dividing it up into two or more smaller parcels.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • subdivision — [ sybdivizjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1690; sens 2 1314; lat. subdivisio 1 ♦ Action de subdiviser, de se subdiviser. La subdivision de la matière en corps isolés. 2 ♦ Partie obtenue en subdivisant; partie de ce qui se subdivise. ⇒ division. Les races et les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Subdivision — Sub di*vi sion, n. [L. subdivisio: cf. F. subdivision.] 1. The act of subdividing, or separating a part into smaller parts. [1913 Webster] 2. A part of a thing made by subdividing. [1913 Webster] In the decimal table, the subdivision of the cubit …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • subdivision — (n.) early 15c., process of dividing into smaller parts; mid 15c., portion of land that has been divided, noun of action from SUBDIVIDE (Cf. subdivide). Sense of land broken into lots for housing development is from 1911 …   Etymology dictionary

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