through bill of lading

through bill of lading
Where there is more than one mode of transport e.g. sea/road/rail, a combined transport bill of lading may usually be entered into, rendering the transporter responsible from receipt of the goods until delivery. A trans-shipment bill of lading covers the transfer of goods from one ship to another.

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  • Through Bill Of Lading — A bill of lading that allows the transportation of goods both within domestic borders and through international shipment. The through bill of lading is often required for the exportation of goods, as it serves as a receipt or carriage contract… …   Investment dictionary

  • through bill of lading — That species of bill of lading which is used when more than one carrier is required for shipping …   Black's law dictionary

  • through bill of lading — A bill of lading where under a carrier agrees to transport the goods from the point of delivery by the shipper to a designated point of destination, although such transportation extends over the line of a connecting carrier. 13 Am J2d Car § 265 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • bill of lading — bill of lad·ing / lā diŋ/: a document issued by a carrier that lists goods being shipped and specifies the terms of their transport ◇ A bill of lading serves as a receipt for the goods, a contract for the transport of the goods, and a document of …   Law dictionary

  • Bill of lading — Admiralty law History …   Wikipedia

  • bill of lading — Document evidencing receipt of goods for shipment issued by person engaged in business of transporting or forwarding goods and it includes airbill. U.C.C. No. 1 201(6). An instrument in writing, signed by a carrier or his agent, describing the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • bill of lading — Document evidencing receipt of goods for shipment issued by person engaged in business of transporting or forwarding goods and it includes airbill. U.C.C. No. 1 201(6). An instrument in writing, signed by a carrier or his agent, describing the… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Bill of Lading — Das Konnossement (auch Seeladeschein, engl.: Bill of lading (B/L)) ist ein Schiffsfrachtbrief und Warenwertpapier. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Funktion 1.1 Konnossement als Quittung 1.1.1 Übernahmekonnossement (Received for shipment B/L) 1.1.2 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • through freight — See through bill of lading; through freight contract; through train …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • bill — As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below: Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a …   Black's law dictionary

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