joint custody

joint custody
joint custody see custody b

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

joint custody
noun custody shared equally by both parents, equal custody, joint care, joint guardianship, shared custody Generally cooperative care, shared responsibility

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

joint custody
An arrangement by which parents who do not live together share the upbringing of a child. Joint custody can be joint legal custody (in which both parents have a say in decisions affecting the child), joint physical custody (in which the child spends a significant amount of time with both parents), or both.
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Divorce, Child Support & Custody

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

joint custody
   in divorce actions, a decision by the court (often upon agreement of the parents) that the parents will share custody of a child. There are two types of custody, physical and legal. Joint physical custody (instead of one parent having custody with the other having visitation), does not mean exact division of time with each parent, but can be based on reasonable time with each parent either specifically spelled out (certain days, weeks, holidays, alternative periods) or based on stated guidelines and shared payment of costs of raising the child. Joint legal custody means that both parents can make decisions for the child, including medical treatment, but where possible they should consult the other. Upon the death or disability of either parent, legal custody will go to the remaining parent and will give the active parent the sole ability to act as parent for the child without further order of the court. The primary affect of this is a psychological benefit for the parent and the child, so that a child can be told that both parents cared for the child, even though the child had to live most of the time with one of them.
   See also: child custody, divorce

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • joint custody — UK / US noun [uncountable] legal an arrangement in which parents who are divorced both have responsibility for looking after a child and both give the child a home for some of the time …   English dictionary

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