- arrangement
(ordering) noun
adaption, arraying, collocation, compositio, composition, conformation, conlocatio, formation, method, regularity, schematism, symmetry, systematization, uniformity
(plan) noun
conception, concoction, contrivance, course of action, ground plan, layout, master plan, method, outline, program of action, schema, scheme, system
associated concepts: arrangement for the benefit of creditors
(understanding) noun
abatement of differences, accommodation, accord, accordance, adjustment, adjustment by agreement, agreement, compact, compromise, concord, contract, entente, harmonization, mutual agreement, mutual assent, mutual promise, mutual undertaking, pact, proviso, reconciliation, restoration of harmony, settlement, terms
associated concepts: arrangement through a marital settlement
accommodation (adjustment), accord, accordance (compact), adjustment, agreement (concurrence), agreement (contract), allotment, array (order), attornment, bargain, building (business of assembling), case (set of circumstances), classification, combination, compact, compilation, composition (agreement in bankruptcy), composition (makeup), conciliation, configuration (form), contract, covenant, creation, deal, digest, disposition (final arrangement), expedient, formation, hierarchy (arrangement in a series), honorarium, indenture, lineup, method, motif, organization (structure), pact, plan, policy (contract), practice (procedure), preparation, program, proposition, protocol (agreement), provision (act of supplying), register, regulation (management), scheme, selection (collection), sequence, settlement, situation, specialty (contract), stipulation, strategy, structure (composition), system, term (provision), treatment, treaty, understanding (agreement)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006