Loss of consortium — is a term used in the law of torts that refers to the deprivation of the benefits of a family relationship due to injuries caused by a tortfeasor. Loss of consortium is not a historical tort under English common law but arrived via statute as… … Wikipedia
loss of consortium — The loss of a wife s society, companionship, and services. 27 Am J1st H & W § 505. The loss of society and sexual intercourse. 27 Am J1st H & W § 525 … Ballentine's law dictionary
consortium — con·sor·tium /kən sȯr shəm; shē əm/ n pl sor·tia / shə, shē ə/ also sortiums [Latin, sharing, partnership, from consort consors sharer, partner] 1: an agreement, combination, or group (as of companies) formed to undertake an enterprise beyond… … Law dictionary
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
loss — is a generic and relative term. It signifies the act of losing or the thing lost; it is not a word of limited, hard and fast meaning and has been held synonymous with, or equivalent to, damage , damages , deprivation , detriment , injury , and… … Black's law dictionary
consortium — /k3nsorsh(iy)3m/ Conjugal fellowship of husband and wife, and the right of each to the company, society, co operation, affection, and aid of the other in every conjugal relation. Roseberry v. Starkovich, 73 N.M. 211, 387 P.2d 321, 322. Loss of… … Black's law dictionary
consortium — /k3nsorsh(iy)3m/ Conjugal fellowship of husband and wife, and the right of each to the company, society, co operation, affection, and aid of the other in every conjugal relation. Roseberry v. Starkovich, 73 N.M. 211, 387 P.2d 321, 322. Loss of… … Black's law dictionary
Consortium (disambiguation) — A consortium is an association of two or more entities with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal. The term may also refer to: Microbial consortium, a group of symbiotic… … Wikipedia
consortium — At earlier common law, the status and rights of the husband arising from the marriage relationship, while coverture denoted the status and rights of the wife arising therefrom. But consortium has now come to mean the rights and duties of both… … Ballentine's law dictionary
consortium — consortial, adj. /keuhn sawr shee euhm, tee /, n., pl. consortia / shee euh, tee euh/. 1. a combination of financial institutions, capitalists, etc., for carrying into effect some financial operation requiring large resources of capital. 2. any… … Universalium