
index indirection (indirect action)

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  • Circumflexion — Cir cum*flex ion, n. 1. The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form. [1913 Webster] 2. A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • circumflexion — / flekˈshən/ noun A bending round • • • Main Entry: ↑circumflect …   Useful english dictionary

  • Circumflection — Cir cum*flec tion, n. See {Circumflexion}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Negation (linguistics) — In rhetoric, where the role of the interpreter is taken into consideration as a non negligible factor, negation bears a much wider range of functions and meanings than it does in logic, where the interpretation of signs for negation is… …   Wikipedia

  • flexion — noun /ˈflɛk.ʃən/ The act of bending a joint, especially a bone joint. The counteraction of extension. See Also: anteflexion, circumflexion, deflexion, demiflexion, dorsiflexion, genuflexion, inflexion, plane inflexion, point of inflexion,… …   Wiktionary

  • indirection — I (deceitfulness) noun concealment of truth, cozenage, craft, craftiness, cunning, deceit, deception, deviousness, dishonesty, disingenuity, disingenuousness, dissimulation, duplicity, falsehood, falseness, fraud, fraudulency, guile, hypocrisy,… …   Law dictionary

  • cincture — Synonyms and related words: anklet, arena, armlet, band, begird, belt, bracelet, cingulum, circling, circumambience, circumambiency, circumcincture, circumflexion, circumjacence, circumposition, close, collar, collarband, confine, container,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • circling — Synonyms and related words: alternate, ambient, beating, cincture, circuition, circuitousness, circuitry, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambient, circumambulation, circumcincture, circumferential, circumflex,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • circuitry — Synonyms and related words: amplifier circuit, astable circuit, back to back switching circuit, circling, circuition, circuitousness, circularity, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • circularity — Synonyms and related words: aduncity, apparent soundness, aquilinity, arching, arcuation, casuistry, circling, circuition, circuitousness, circuitry, circulation, circumambience, circumambiency, circumambulation, circumflexion, circumlocution,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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