- assign
as·sign 1 /ə-'sīn/ vt1: to transfer (property or rights) to anotherthe general practice by inventors of assign ing patent rights — J. K. Owens2: to appoint to a post or dutyassign ed to represent the defendant3: to fix or specify in relationship or correspondenceno party may assign as error the giving or the failure to give an instruction unless that party objects thereto — Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 51as·sign·abil·i·ty /ə-ˌsī-nə-'bi-lə-tē/ nas·sign·able /ə-'sī-nə-bəl/ adjas·sign·or /ə-'sī-nər/ n
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- assign
(allot) verb
allocate, apportion, appropriate, attribuere, deal out, dispense, distribute, divide in portions, dole out, give out, mete out, partition, portion out, rem homini adsignare, share
associated concepts: assign a cause of action, assign a chose in action, assign a lease, assign over, assign without recourse, assignable interest, assigned counsel, assigned risk, sublease
(designate) verb
appoint, ascribe, attribute, authorize, charge, commission, commit powers to another, delegate, depute, detail, empower, entrust, invest, name, prescribe, put in commission, set, specify
foreign phrases:
- Assignatus utitur jure auctoris. — An assignee is clothed with the right of his principalIII (transfer ownership) verb abalienate, alienate, commit to another's trust, consign, convey, deliver, devolve upon, dispose of, endorse over, entrust, grant, make over to another, negotiate, refer, release, relegate, sign over, surrender to another, transfer to another, transmit IV index abalienate, adduce, alienate (transfer title), allocate, allot, appoint, apportion, ascribe, attorn, attribute, authorize, bear (yield), cede, charge (assess), charge (empower), commit (entrust), contribute (supply), convey (transfer), delegate, demarcate, designate, devise (give), devote, direct (supervise), disburse (distribute), dispense, disperse (disseminate), distribute, divide (distribute), dole, employ (engage services), empower, endue, entrust, expend (disburse), give (grant), grant (transfer formally), impute, induct, leave (give), marshal, mete, nominate, parcel, refer (direct attention), refer (send for action), relegate, select, site, split, transfer
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- assign
v.(1) To transfer legal rights or property to someone else.(2) To select or designate.n.assignment
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- assign
To transfer to another person (the assignee) all or some of the rights and responsibilities that another person (the assignor) holds under a contract. For example, a tenant may assign his lease to another person, who then has the right to live in the rental and the obligation to honor all terms of the lease. Also, to assert or point out, as in, "The appellant assigned as errors three of the judge's rulings."Category: If, When & Where to File a LawsuitCategory: Mediation, Arbitration & Collaborative LawCategory: Real Estate & Rental Property → Renters' & Tenants' RightsCategory: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- assign
v.1 To transfer one's duty, interest, or right to another, especially regarding property or under a contract, so that the transferee has the same duty, interest, or right as the transferor had.See also assignment, delegate.2 To appoint.3 To identify.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- assign
To transfer to another, as to assign one's right to receive rental income from property to another. To designate for a particular function, as to assign an attorney to defend an indigent in a criminal prosecution. To specify or point out, as to assign errors in a lower court proceeding on a writ of error that is submitted to request a court to reverse the judgment of the lower court.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- assign
To transfer to another, as to assign one's right to receive rental income from property to another. To designate for a particular function, as to assign an attorney to defend an indigent in a criminal prosecution. To specify or point out, as to assign errors in a lower court proceeding on a writ of error that is submitted to request a court to reverse the judgment of the lower court.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- assign
1) v. to transfer to another person any asset such as real property or a valuable right such as a contract or promissory note.2) n. the person (assignee) who receives a piece of property by purchase, gift or by will. The word often shows up in contracts and wills.
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.