
index mutuality

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  • Correlativeness — Cor*rel a*tive*ness, n. Quality of being correlative. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • correlativeness — noun The state or quality of being correlative …   Wiktionary

  • correlativeness — correlˈativeness or correlativˈity noun • • • Main Entry: ↑correlate …   Useful english dictionary

  • correlative — correlatively, adv. correlativeness, correlativity, n. /keuh rel euh tiv/, adj. 1. so related that each implies or complements the other. 2. being in correlation; mutually related. 3. Gram. answering to or complementing one another and regularly… …   Universalium

  • mutuality — mu·tu·al·i·ty /ˌmyü chə wa lə tē/ n: the quality or state of being mutual: as a: the quality of a contract under which both parties are bound by obligations b: the state of debts for purposes of set off under bankruptcy law in which the debts are …   Law dictionary

  • correlative — /kɒˈrɛlətɪv/ (say ko reluhtiv) adjective 1. so related that each implies or complements the other. 2. being in correlation; mutually related. 3. having a mutual relation; answering to or complementing one another, as either and or, where and… …  

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