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correlativity — cor·rel·a·tiv·i·ty … English syllables
correlativity — noun a reciprocal relation between two or more things • Syn: ↑correlation • Derivationally related forms: ↑correlative, ↑correlational (for: ↑correlation), ↑correlate (for … Useful english dictionary
List of philosophy topics (A-C) — 110th century philosophy 11th century philosophy 12th century philosophy 13th century philosophy 14th century philosophy 15th century philosophy 16th century philosophy 17th century philosophy 18th century philosophy 19th century philosophy220th… … Wikipedia
Vehicle registration plates of Spain — There are two main forms of Spanish car number plates, as the system changed recently.The old system was of the form XX NNNN YY (black digits on white plate), where XX is a one or two letter code denoting the province the car was registered in,… … Wikipedia
Cornelius Van Til — Full name Cornelius Van Til Born May 3, 1895 Grootegast, the Netherlands Died April 17, 1987 Era … Wikipedia
correlative — correlatively, adv. correlativeness, correlativity, n. /keuh rel euh tiv/, adj. 1. so related that each implies or complements the other. 2. being in correlation; mutually related. 3. Gram. answering to or complementing one another and regularly… … Universalium
mutuality — mu·tu·al·i·ty /ˌmyü chə wa lə tē/ n: the quality or state of being mutual: as a: the quality of a contract under which both parties are bound by obligations b: the state of debts for purposes of set off under bankruptcy law in which the debts are … Law dictionary
Existence (Philosophy of) 2 — Philosophy of existence 2 Sartre Thomas R.Flynn Born 21 June 1905, in Thiviers (Dordogne), Jean Paul Sartre was raised in the Parisian home of his widowed mother’s parents. After his mother’s remarriage, he spent several years with her and his… … History of philosophy
balance — Synonyms and related words: Swiss bank account, accommodate, accord, account, account current, account rendered, account stated, adjust, afterglow, afterimage, agree, amount to, analogize, analogousness, aplomb, arrangement, assess, assets,… … Moby Thesaurus
communion — Synonyms and related words: Angelus, Ave, Ave Maria, Bolshevik, Bolshie, Communist, ESP, Hail Mary, Kyrie Eleison, Leninist, Marxist, Paternoster, Red, Stalinist, Trotskyist, accord, accordance, adherents, affiliation, affinity, agape, agreement … Moby Thesaurus