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  • cross-grained — adj wood that is cross grained has lines that go across it instead of along it …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cross-grained — cross′ grained′ adj. 1) bui (of timber) a) having the grain running transversely or diagonally b) having an irregular grain 2) stubborn; perverse • Etymology: 1640–50 cross′ grained′ness ˈgreɪnd , ˈgreɪ nɪd n …   From formal English to slang

  • cross-grained — [krôs′grānd΄] adj. 1. having a grain that is irregular or that runs across the longitudinal axis: said of timber 2. cantankerous; contrary; perverse …   English World dictionary

  • cross-grained — nonparallel onparallel adj. 1. not parallel; of lines or linear objects. Opposite of {parallel}. [Narrower terms: {bias, catacorner, cata cornered, catercorner, cater cornered, catty corner, catty cornered, diagonal, kitty corner, kitty cornered …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cross-grained — adjective Date: 1647 1. difficult to deal with < her husband s self absorbed and cross grained nature Lance Morrow > 2. having the grain or fibers running diagonally, transversely, or irregularly …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • cross-grained — adjective wood that is cross grained has lines that go across it instead of along it …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • cross-grained — cross grainedly, adv. cross grainedness, n. /kraws graynd , kros /, adj. 1. having the grain running transversely or diagonally, or having an irregular or gnarled grain, as timber. 2. stubborn; perverse. [1640 50] * * * …   Universalium

  • cross grained — Synonyms and related words: across, across the grain, against the grain, athwart, athwartships, bearish, bitchy, broken, bumpy, cankered, cantankerous, choppy, churlish, coarse, coarse grained, contrariwise, contrary, contrawise, corrugated,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • cross-grained — adjective 1》 (also cross grain) (of timber) having a grain that runs across the regular grain. 2》 stubbornly contrary or bad tempered …   English new terms dictionary

  • cross-grained — adj. 1 (of timber) having a cross grain. 2 perverse, intractable …   Useful english dictionary

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