
as·sume vt as·sumed, as·sum·ing
1: to voluntarily take upon oneself
2: to take over (the debts or obligations of another) as one's own
assume a mortgage

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (seize) verb accroach, adeem, adopt, adsumere, annex, appropriate, arrogate, commandeer, confiscate, dispossess, distrain, expropriate, help oneself to, make free with, occupare, possess oneself of, rem sibi adrogare, take as one's own, usurp II (simulate) verb act as, counterfeit, dissemble, dissimulate, don, feign, impersonate, make believe, outwardly seem, pass for, personate, play the part, pose as, pretend to be, profess, put on deceitfully, represent as, take the part of, take the semblance of III (suppose) verb be inclined to think, be of the opinion, conclude, conjecture, consider, deduce, deem true, divine, draw the inference, find probable, gather, have an idea that, hold the opinion, infer, predicate, premise, presume, presuppose, suspect, take for granted, take without proof, theorize, think credible, think likely, think probable IV (undertake) verb accept, accept an obligation, attempt, attend to, be willing to bear, become responsible for, begin, broach, commit oneself, contract, contract for, embark upon, engage, enter upon, incur a duty, manage, proceed to, pursue, set about, shoulder, suscipere, take care of, take charge, take on oneself, take up, venture upon associated concepts: assume a debt, assume a lease, assume a mortgage, assume responsibility, assumed name, assumed risk V index accede (succeed), accroach, acquire (secure), adopt, annex (arrogate), anticipate (expect), appropriate, collect (recover money), condemn (seize), confiscate, copy, deduce, deduct (conclude by reasoning), deem, embrace (accept), endeavor, expect (consider probable), forejudge, gain, generalize, guess, impropriate, incur, occupy (take possession), opine, posit, postulate, preconceive, preempt, presume, presuppose, pretend, receive (acquire), seize (confiscate), speculate (conjecture), surmise, suspect (think), takeover, trust, undertake, usurp

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) To take on a responsibility or power; to receive.
(2) To take on something deceitfully, such as a false name.
(3) To suppose something to be the case without any proof.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1) To take over another person's rights and/or obligations. For example, one person might assume another's car lease, residential lease, or debt.
2) In bankruptcy, for the bankruptcy trustee to take over an unexpired lease or executory contract. The bankruptcy trustee has the right to assume or reject these agreements. If the trustee assumes a lease or contract, he or she can either allow the agreement to continue in force or assign that agreement, if the trustee believes doing so could raise money for the debtors creditors.
Category: Bankruptcy, Foreclosure & Debt → Bankruptcy

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

   to take over the liability for a debt on a promissory note, which is often done by the buyer of real property which has a secured debt upon it. Example: Bob Buyer pays part of the price of a piece of real property by taking over the debt that Sally Seller had on the property. However, usually the original owner to whom Sally owes the debt must agree to the assumption.
   See also: assumption

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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