- displace
(remove) verb
banish, carry away, cart away, cast out, change the place of, clear away, convey, delocalize, deport, detach, discard, discharge, dislocate, dislodge, dismiss, dispatch, disperse, dispossess, disturb, eject, evict, exclude, exile, expatriate, expel, export, expropriate, loco suo movere, move, not retain, oust, purge, put out, send, send away, shift from its place, take away, throw out, transfer, turn out, unhouse, unjoint, unseat
associated concepts: displaced person, displaced worker
(replace) verb
act for, act the part of, answer for, change for, count for, double for, exchange, fill another's position, fill in for, interchange, make a shift with, make way for, offer in exchange, pass for, put in the place of, replace with, stand in for, substitute, succeed, supersede, supplant, switch, take another's place, take in exchange, take over another's duties, take the place of, transfer, transpose, understudy for
accede (succeed), change, confuse (create disorder), deport (banish), depose (remove), discharge (dismiss), discompose, disjoint, dislocate, dislodge, dismiss (discharge), dispossess, dissociate, disturb, divest, eject (evict), eradicate, evict, exclude, inconvenience, luxate, oust, relegate, remove (dismiss from office), remove (eliminate), send, succeed (follow), supersede, supplant, upset
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006