enjoying political independence

enjoying political independence
index sovereign (independent)

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  • POLITICAL LIFE AND PARTIES — Introduction It was largely due to the existence of the pre state political parties, which had conducted intensive political activities for almost half a century within the framework of the yishuv , under the British Mandate for Palestine, that… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • independence — noun (U) 1 political freedom from control by the government of another country (+ from): Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960. | minority groups striving for political independence 2 the time when a country becomes politically… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Political parties —    Owing to the country’s seven decades as a one party totalitarian state, the status of political parties in Russia is complex and protean. In 1990, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) abandoned its monopoly on political… …   Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation

  • List of political parties in Malaysia — Malaysia This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Malaysia …   Wikipedia

  • Abraham Lincoln: The Dred Scott Decision and the Declaration of Independence — ▪ Primary Source              The Dred Scott decision of March 1857 dealt a severe blow to Republican efforts to prevent the expansion of slavery. As the leading Republican in Illinois, Abraham Lincoln felt bound to oppose Democrats who upheld… …   Universalium

  • Cultural and political image of John McCain — John McCain s personal character has dominated the image and perception of him.[1] His family s military heritage, his rebellious nature as a youth, his endurance over his treatment as a prisoner of war, his resulting physical limitations, his… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital (political) — A capital is the area of a country, province, region, or state, regarded as enjoying primary status; it is almost always the city which physically encompasses the offices and meeting places of the seat of government and fixed by law, but there… …   Wikipedia

  • free — 1 adj 1 a: having the legal and political rights of a citizen representatives...shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons U.S. Constitution art. I b: enjoying civil and political liberty a free people c: enjoying political …   Law dictionary

  • free — I. adjective (freer; freest) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English frēo; akin to Old High German frī free, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear Date: before 12th century 1. a. having the legal and political rights of a citizen b. enjoying… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sovereign — sov·er·eign 1 / sä vrən, sə , və rən/ also sov·ran / vrən/ n: a person or political entity (as a nation or state) possessing or held to possess sovereignty a controversy between two sovereign s...the United States on the one hand and the State of …   Law dictionary

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