- free
free 1 adj1 a: having the legal and political rights of a citizenrepresentatives...shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons — U.S. Constitution art. Ib: enjoying civil and political libertya free peoplec: enjoying political independence or freedom from outside dominationthese united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent States — Declaration of Independenced: not subject to the control or domination of another2: made or done as a matter of choice and right: not compelled or restrictedno law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof — U.S. Constitution amend. Ia free and voluntary confession3: relieved from or lacking a burden (as a lien or other encumbrance on title)a buyer in ordinary course of business...takes free of a security interest created by his seller — Uniform Commercial Code4: not bound, confined, or detained by forcefree on bail5 a: having no trade restrictionsb: not subject to government regulationc of foreign exchange: not subject to restriction or official control6: not costing or charging anythingfree·ly advfor free: without chargefree 2 vt freed, free·ing1: to cause to be free2: to relieve or rid of what constrains, confines, restricts, or burdens
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- free
(at no charge) adjective
complimentary, costing nothing, costless, expenseless, for nothing, given, given away, gratis, gratuitous, gratuitus, not charged for, provided without charge, unbought, uncharged, unpaid, untaxed, without cost
associated concepts: free on board
(enjoying civil iiberry) adjective
autonomic, autonomical, autonomous, democratic, emancipated, enfranchised, enjoying liberty, exempt from external authority, franchised, freed, independent, liberated, manumitted, not enslaved, not in bondage, not subject to regulation, removed from bondage, saved from bondage, self-directing, self-governing, self-ruling, sovereign, sua sponte, sua voluntate, unenslaved, unenthralled, unsubjected
associated concepts: free access, free press, free speech
foreign phrases:
- A piratis aut latronibus capti liberi permanent. — Persons taken by robbers remain freeIII (not restricted) adjective at large, at liberty, cast loose, clear from, disengaged, immune from restriction, independent, let out, liber, liberated, loose, privileged, solutus, unattached, unbound, unbridled, uncaught, unchained, unchecked, uncoerced, unconfined, uncurbed, unentangled, unfastened, unfettered, unfixed, unhampered, unhindered, unimpeded, unobstructed, unpent, unprevented, unqualified, unreined, unrestrained, unshackled, unstopped, untied, untrammeled associated concepts: free and voluntary, free enterprise, free from encumbrances, free press, free speech IV (relieved from a burden) adjective absolved, acquitted, clear, cleared, delivered, disburdened, discharged, disembarrassed, disencumbered, disengaged, disentangled, dismissed, excused, exempted, exonerated, immunis, liberated, pardoned, paroled, quit of, ransomed, re liber, released, relieved, reprieved, rescued, rid, saved, set free, spared, unburdened, unencumbered, unimpeded, vacuus associated concepts: free and clear, free from fault V verb absolve, acquit, affranchise, clear, come to the rescue, deliver, deliver from bondage, disburden, discharge, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disentangle, disenthrall, dismiss, emancipate, enfranchise, exculpate, excuse, exempt, eximere, exonerate, extricate, forgive, franchise, give a reprieve, give absolution, grant a reprieve, grant amnesty, grant pardon, let escape, let go, let loose, let out, let out of prison, liberare, liberate, manumit, pardon, parole, privilege, purge, ransom, redeem, release, release from restraint, relieve, remit, rescue, save, set at large, set at liberty, set free, solvere, turn loose, unbind, unburden, unchain, unfasten, unfetter, unfix, unimprison, unleash, unmanacle, unshackle, untie, vindicate VI index absolve, alleviate, autonomous (independent), autonomous (self governing), clear (unencumbered), clear, competitive (open), condone, discharge (liberate), disencumber, disengage, disentangle, disenthrall, dissociate, enfranchise, exculpate, excuse, exempt, extricate, gratis, gratuitous (given without recompense), immune, independent, liberal (generous), liberate, licentious, parole, passable, philanthropic, promiscuous, release, relieve (free from burden), remit (release from penalty), rescue, salacious, sovereign (independent), spontaneous, unbound, unlimited, unpaid, unrestrained (not in custody), unrestricted, unsolicited, vacant, void (empty), voluntary
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006