
I noun allure, allurement, attraction, bait, bewitchment, blandishment, cajolery, captivation, coaxing, corruptela, corruption, defilement, enchantment, enticement, fascination, inducement, inveiglement, invitation, lure, persuasion, seducement, solicitation, stuprum, tantalization, temptation II index debauchery, debauchment, rape

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

The use of charm, promises, and flattery to induce another person to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage, without any use of force or intimidation. At one time, seduction was a crime in many states, but seduction is no longer criminal (unless the seduced person is underage or otherwise unable to consent). However, seduction does linger in the criminal codes of some states.
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Divorce, Child Support & Custody
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

The act by which a man entices a woman to have unlawful sexual relations with him by means of persuasions, solicitations, promises, or bribes without the use of physical force or violence.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The act by which a man entices a woman to have unlawful sexual relations with him by means of persuasions, solicitations, promises, or bribes without the use of physical force or violence.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the use of charm, salesmanship, promises, gifts and flattery to induce another person to have sexual intercourse outside marriage, without any use of force or intimidation. At one time seduction was a crime in many states, but if the seducee (usually female) is of the age of consent and is not drugged, intoxicated or otherwise unable to consent, seduction is no longer criminal. However, just as adultery lingers in the criminal codes of some states, so does seduction.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • seduction — Seduction …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • séduction — [ sedyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • XIIe, rare av. XVIIe; lat. seductio 1 ♦ Vx Action de séduire, de corrompre. Dr. pén. Séduction dolosive, par laquelle on amène une femme (par manœuvre frauduleuse, abus d autorité ou promesse de mariage) à consentir à des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Seduction — Séduction La Proposition, de William Adolphe Bouguereau. Parfois appelée flirt ou, plus rarement, marivaudage, la séduction est un jeu entre deux ou plusieurs personnes, où chacun s’efforce de susciter de l attirance puis des sentiment …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Seduction — Seduction …   Википедия

  • Seduction — • The inducing of a previously virtuous woman to engage in unlawful sexual intercourse Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Seduction     Seduction      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • seduction — Seduction. s. f. Action par laquelle on seduit. Seduction de la jeunesse. la seduction est manifeste. il employa l argent & les promesses, & tout ce qui peut contribuer à la seduction des esprits …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • seduction — (n.) 1520s, from Fr. séduction, from L. seductionem (nom. seductio), noun of action from pp. stem of seducere (see SEDUCE (Cf. seduce)). Originally with reference to actions or beliefs; sexual sense is from 1769, originally always with women as… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Seduction — Se*duc*tion, n. [L. seductio: cf. F. s[ e]duction. See {Seduce}.] 1. The act of seducing; enticement to wrong doing; enticement to fail in some duty. [1913 Webster] 2. Specifically: (a) The offense of inducing a woman to consent to unlawful… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • seduction — [n] enticement allurement, attraction, cajolery, come on*, inducement, lure, persuasion, tantalizing, temptation; concepts 7,19,22,68 …   New thesaurus

  • seduction — [si duk′shən] n. [MFr < LL(Ec) seductio < L, a leading away] 1. the act of seducing or the state of being seduced 2. something that seduces …   English World dictionary

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