
index correspond (communicate)

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  • Epistolize — E*pis to*lize, v. i. To write epistles. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • epistolize — ə̇ˈpistəˌlīz, ēˈ verb ( ed/ ing/ s) Etymology: Latin epistola letter + English ize more at epistle intransitive verb : to write a letter transitive verb : to write a letter to …   Useful english dictionary

  • epistolize — /i pis tl uyz /, v., epistolized, epistolizing. v.i. 1. to write a letter. v.t. 2. to write a letter to. Also, esp. Brit., epistolise. [1625 35; < L epistol(a) EPISTLE + IZE] * * * …   Universalium

  • epistolize — epis·to·lize …   English syllables

  • correspond — I (be equivalent) verb adapt to, agree, answer the purpose, appertain, approach, approximate, be accordant, be akin, complement, be complemental, be congruent, be related, bear resemblance, belong, border on, bring into relation with, cohere,… …   Law dictionary

  • correspond — I (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To be alike] Syn. compare, match, be similar, be identical; see agree , resemble . 2. [To communicate by letter] Syn. exchange letters, write, write to, hear from, communicate with, send word, send a letter, keep up a… …   English dictionary for students

  • communicate — v 1. inform, tell, speak, advise, apprise, notify, give notice to, give word, mention to, point out, bring to one s attention, let know, have one to know, give one to understand, enlighten, clue in; Inf. open [s.o. s] eyes; announce, publish,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • correspond — v 1. agree, comply, concur, conform, accord, go hand in hand, go along with; coincide, match, square, fit, fit together, go together; parallel, balance, equal, rival; tally, equate, follow; chime, harmonize, cohere, stand together. 2. reciprocate …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • get — v 1. receive, come by, realize, inherit, succeed to, fall into; gain, win, achieve, attain, reach; benefit, profit, avail; (all usu. of wages) earn, make, Sl. pull down, gross, clear, net, Inf. take home, pocket. 2. obtain, acquire, secure,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • write — v 1. inscribe, Rare. scribe, pen, put pen to paper, commit to paper; jot down, dash off; scrawl, scribble, scrabble, scratch. 2. draft, draw up, write up or out; lucubrate. 3. author, compose, indite; poeticize, poetize, versify, rhyme, sing;… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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