
bank /'baŋk/ n: an organization for the custody, loan, or exchange of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds
branch bank: a banking facility that is a separate but dependent part of a chartered bank; esp: a facility that performs some banking functions and is separate from a main office
bridge bank: a national bank that is chartered for a limited time to operate an insolvent bank until it is sold
central bank: a national bank that establishes monetary and fiscal policy and controls the money supply and interest rate
collecting bank: a bank other than the payor bank that is handling for collection a negotiable instrument or a promise or order to pay money
commercial bank: a bank organized chiefly to handle the everyday financial transactions of businesses (as through deposit accounts and commercial loans)
cooperative bank: an association (as a credit union) owned by and offering banking services for its members; specif: savings and loan association
depositary bank: the first bank to take a negotiable instrument or promise or order to pay money unless the instrument, promise, or order is presented for immediate payment over the counter
federal land bank: a land bank that is under federal charter and regulated by the Farm Credit Administration
Federal Re·serve bank: one of 12 central banks set up under the Federal Reserve Act to hold reserves for and extend credit to affiliated banks in their respective districts
intermediary bank: a bank other than the depositary or payor bank to which a negotiable instrument or promise or order to pay is transferred in the course of collection
land bank
1: a bank that provides financing for land development and farm mortgages esp. by issuing stock see also federal land bank in this entry
2: a trust that holds land for purposes of preservation or conservation
national bank: a bank operating under federal charter and supervision
nonbank bank: a financial organization (as a branch of an out-of-state bank) that either accepts demand deposits or makes commercial loans
payor bank: a bank that is the drawee of a draft
presenting bank: a bank other than a payor bank that presents a negotiable instrument or promise or order to pay money
sav·ings bank: a bank organized to hold depositors' funds in interest-bearing accounts and to make long-term investments (as in home mortgage loans)
state bank: a bank operating under state charter and law
bank·er /'baŋ-kər/ n

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun bursary, cash box, coffer, depository, monetary reservoir, money box, pecuniary resource, promptuary, public treasury, repository, reserve, safe, safe-deposit vault, storehouse, strongroom, till, vault associated concepts: bank account, bank bill, bank certificate, bank check, bank collections, bank deposit, bank draft, bank examiner, bank money order, bank note, bank of deposit, bank of issue, bank robber, bank stock, bank transaction, bank withdrawal, bankbook, banker's acceptance, bankers lien, banking hours, banking powers, banking privileges, commercial bank, savings bank II index coffer, deposit (submit to a bank), edge (border), fund, garner, hoard, keep (shelter), margin (outside limit), pool, repository, reserve, store, treasury

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A financial institution that holds money for customers, invests it to earn interest, lends money at interest, issues promissory notes, handles trusts, deals in negotiable securities, and performs other financial services.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

An officially chartered institution empowered to receive deposits, make loans, and provide checking and savings account services. In the United States, banks are organized under federal or state regulations. Banks receive funds for loans from the Federal Reserve System provided they meet established requirements. Most banks are "commercial" banks with broad powers. Savings and loan associations perform some banking services but are not full-service commercial banks and lack strict regulation. Compare: credit union
Category: Personal Finance & Retirement

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. A financial institution, whether incorporated or not, with a substantial portion of its business consisting of receiving deposits and maintaining savings accounts and checking accounts. Most also issue loans and credit, exchange currencies, transmit funds, and deal in negotiable bonds and securities issued by corporations and the government.
@ commercial bank
A bank, often organized as a public corporation, that offers the broadest range of services allowed by law, but that is required to keep a larger percentage of its deposits on reserve than is required of savings and loan associations and savings banks.
=>> bank.
@ savings and loan association
A financial institution, often organized and operated like a bank, with a primary purpose to make loans so that individuals can purchase or construct homes, but that also provide various banking services.
=>> bank.
@ savings bank
A bank that receives deposits, maintains savings accounts (from which funds can usually be withdrawn only after a set period of time or advance notice), pays interest on them at usually higher rates than commercial banks, and makes certain loans. However, a savings bank cannot maintain checking accounts and is allowed to invest only in certain types of corporate and government bonds and securities.
=>> bank.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   1) an officially chartered institution empowered to receive deposits, make loans, and provide checking and savings account services, all at a profit. In the United States banks must be organized under strict requirements by either the federal or a state government. Banks receive funds for loans from the Federal Reserve System provided they meet safe standards of operation and have sufficient financial reserves. Bank accounts are insured up to $100,000 per account by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Most banks are so-called "commercial" banks with broad powers. In the east and midwest there are some "savings" banks which are basically mutual banks owned by the depositors, concentrate on savings accounts, and place their funds in such safe investments as government bonds. Savings and loan associations have been allowed to perform some banking services under so-called deregulation in 1981, but are not full-service commercial banks and lack strict regulation. Mortgage loan brokers and thrift institutions (often industrial loan companies) are not banks and do not have insurance and governmental control. Severe losses to customers of these institutions have occurred in times of economic contraction or due to insider profiteering or outright fraud. Credit unions are not banks, but are fairly safe since they are operated by the members of the industry, union or profession of the depositors and borrowers.
   2) a group of judges sitting together as an appeals court, referred to as "in bank" or "en banc."

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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