
sub·sti·tu·tion /ˌsəb-stə-'tü-shən, -'tyü-/ n: the substituting of one person or thing for another: as
a in the civil law of Louisiana: a disposition not in trust by which a donee, heir, or legatee is charged to hold property transferred and return it to a third person compare fidei commissum, vulgar substitution
◇ Substitutions are prohibited.
b: replacement of a party to an action with a successor or representative upon motion to the court when the party is unable to continue litigating (as because of death, incompetency, transfer of interest, or loss of the office for which the party was suing or being sued in an official capacity)
c: the replacement of a new agreement or obligation for an old one see also novation
sub·sti·tu·tion·al /-shə-nəl/ n
sub·sti·tu·tion·ary /-shə-ˌnər-ē/ adj

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

index contribution (indemnification), cover (substitute), devolution, exchange, novation, preemption, proxy, recompense, replacement, representation (acting for others), representative (proxy), stopgap, subrogation, substitute, succedaneum

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Putting one person or thing in the place of another. For example, a substitution of parties takes place when a new party is named to take the place of a party who has died or is otherwise unable to continue as a party. Or, one attorney might substitute into a case to replace the attorney of record if, for example, the client fired the first attorney.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. The selection of an individual or a thing to take the place of another; the process of one thing taking another's place or one person acting in lieu of another.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   putting one person in place of another, in particular replacement of the attorney of record in a lawsuit with another attorney (or the party acting in propria persona).
   See also: substitution of attorney

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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