form a labor union

form a labor union
index organize (unionize)

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  • Colored National Labor Union — National Colored Convention in 1869 The Colored National Labor Union arrived shortly after the development of the National Labor Union, which happened to be the first major organization founded by Andrew Cameron in 1866. The National Labor Union… …   Wikipedia

  • labor union — a form of anarchism which allies itself with syndicalism, that is, with labor unions, as a force for revolutionary social change. Anarcho syndicalists seek to replace capitalism and the state with a democratically worker managed means of… …   Mini philosophy glossary

  • National Labor Union — Part of a series on Organized labour …   Wikipedia

  • Central Labor Union — Die Bezeichnung Central Labor Union war ein Name für Gewerkschaftsorganisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im 19. Jahrhunderts, die sich stadt oder distriktbezogen organisierten und mit ihren föderativen Struktur offen für alle… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Labor spies — are persons recruited or employed for the purpose of gathering intelligence, committing sabotage, sowing dissent, or engaging in other similar activities, typically within the context of an employer/labor organization relationship.Some of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Labor history of the United States — involves the history of organized labor, as well as the more general history of working people in the United States of America. Pressures dictating the nature and power of organized labor have included the evolution and power of the corporation,… …   Wikipedia

  • Labor unions in the United States — function as legally recognized representatives of workers in numerous industries. The most prominent unions are found among public sector employees such as teachers and police. Activity by labor unions in the United States today centers on… …   Wikipedia

  • Labor and Working-Class History Association — (LAWCHA) is a non profit association of academics, educators, students, and labor movement and other activists that promotes research into and publication of materials on the history of the labor movement in North and South America. Its current… …   Wikipedia

  • LABOR ZIONIST ALLIANCE — (from 2004 Ameinu; originally Po alei Zion), U.S. Zionist organization. Socialist Zionist circles existed in the U.S. as early as 1903, but it was only at a convention in Baltimore on December 23–25, 1905 that the national organization of Po alei …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Labor federation competition in the United States — A labor federation is a group of unions or labor organizations that are in some sense coordinated. The terminology used to identify such organizations grows out of usage, and has sometimes been imprecise. For example, nationals are sometimes… …   Wikipedia

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