
ac·cess /'ak-ˌses/ n often attrib
1: permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, communicate with, or pass to and from a place, thing, or person
public access to federal land
access to the courts
2: opportunity for sexual intercourse
3: a landowner's legal right to pass from his or her land to a highway and to return without being obstructed
4: freedom or ability to obtain, make use of, or participate in something
the right to equal treatment holds with respect to a limited set of interests — like voting — and demands that every person have the same access to these interests — L. H. Tribe
5 a: a way by which a thing or place may be approached or reached
b: passage to and from a place
provide a means of access to the land
6: opportunity to view or copy a copyrighted work

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (opening) noun accessibility, approachability, availability, chance, means, occasion, open position, opportunity, possibility, unfilled place, vacancy II (right of way) noun accessus, adit, aditus, admission, admittance, approach, course, direct approach, entrance, entrance way, entry, ingress, inlet, means of access, means of approach, opening, passage, passageway, path, right of entry, road, route, way, way in, way of approach, way through III index admission (entry), admittance (means of approach), entrance, entry (entrance), ingress, outlet, portal

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

An opportunity to do or use something; a means of approach or communication; an opportunity for sexual intercourse; a property owner’s right to go to and from his or her land.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

1. the opportunity to see and visit a child in cases where spouses have separated or divorced and care and custody of a child has been awarded to one spouse. The granting of access and the terms on which it is granted are within the discretion of the court. In both England and Scotland the appropriate order would be a contact order. See Section 8 Order.
2. this term when used in deeds signifies the right to go into property and, often combined with egress, the right to go out of it.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

In the context of real estate, the right and ability to enter, approach, and pass to and from. In copyright law, a person who is accused of infringing upon another's copyrighted material may seek to refute the claim by showing that he had no opportunity to see, hear, or copy that work — that is, he had no access. In family law, a husband who disputes paternity of his wife's child might have argued that his wife had relations with other men — that is, others "had access" — but that claim is rarely relied upon in light of modern and highly accurate scientific paternity testing.
Category: Divorce & Family Law → Divorce, Child Support & Custody
Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Copyright Law
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Buying a House

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. The ability, opportunity, permission, or right to approach, communicate, enter, pass to and from, or view without interference or obstruction.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Freedom of approach or communication; or the means, power, or opportunity of approaching, communicating, or passing to and from. Sometimes importing the occurrence of sexual intercourse; otherwise as importing opportunity of communication for that purpose as between husband and wife.
In real property law, the term access denotes the right vested in the owner of the land that adjoins a road or other highway to go and return from his own land to the highway without obstruction. Access to property does not necessarily carry with it possession.
For purposes of establishing element of access by defendant in copyright infringement action, access is ordinarily defined as opportunity to copy.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Freedom of approach or communication; or the means, power, or opportunity of approaching, communicating, or passing to and from. Sometimes importing the occurrence of sexual intercourse; otherwise as importing opportunity of communication for that purpose as between husband and wife.
In real property law, the term access denotes the right vested in the owner of the land that adjoins a road or other highway to go and return from his own land to the highway without obstruction.
Access to property does not necessarily carry with it possession.
For purposes of establishing element of access by defendant in copyright infringement action, access is ordinarily defined as opportunity to copy.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) in real estate the right and ability to get to the property.
   2) when a husband has the opportunity to make love to his wife, it is said he has access. This rather vulgar use of "access" has been important because if a husband "had access" to his wife during the time when she became pregnant, it is presumed he is the father. Modern use of blood tests and DNA studies may show the father to be someone other than the husband whether the husband "had access" or not.
   See also: DNA, egress, paternity suit

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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