itemized account
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itemized — adjective : arranged or presented with each item listed and detailed asked for an itemized bill an itemized account Synonyms: see circumstantial * * * itemized adjective an itemized bill Th … Useful english dictionary
account — /ə kaυnt/ noun 1. a record of financial transactions over a period of time, such as money paid, received, borrowed or owed ● Please send me your account or a detailed or an itemized account. 2. (in a shop) an arrangement which a customer has to… … Marketing dictionary in english
account of goods shipped — index invoice (itemized list) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
account of merchandise — index invoice (itemized list) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Itemized Statement — A periodic statement issued by a financial institution, such as a bank or brokerage firm, to its customers detailing all account activity for the period. Itemized statements include deposits, credits, debts, fees and all other pertinent activity … Investment dictionary
account — Synonyms and related words: a reckoning of, account current, account for, account of, account rendered, account stated, accounting, accounts, acquaintance, acta, adjudge, adjudicate, advantage, aggregate, allow, allow for, allowance, amount,… … Moby Thesaurus
Flexible spending account — A flexible spending arrangement (FSA), or Flexible Spending Account, as they are commonly called, is one of a number of tax advantaged financial accounts that can be set up through a cafeteria plan of an employer in the United States. An FSA… … Wikipedia
Transactional account — Banking A series on Financial services … Wikipedia
Savings account — Savings accounts are accounts maintained by retail financial institutions that pay interest but can not be used directly as money (by, for example, writing a cheque). These accounts let customers set aside a portion of their liquid assets while… … Wikipedia
bill — n 1: a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment; also: the law itself the GI bill ap·pro·pri·a·tions bill /ə ˌprō prē ā shənz /: a bill providing money for government expenses and programs ◇ Appropriations bills originate in the… … Law dictionary