breach of the peace

breach of the peace
breach of the peace
1: a disturbance of public peace or order
insulting language causing a breach of the peace see also fighting words
2: the offense of causing a breach of the peace compare disorderly conduct

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

breach of the peace
index brawl, fracas, infraction, outbreak, outburst, riot

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

breach of the peace
in England, conduct causing harm or likely to cause harm or generally disturb the peace. The preservation of the peace is an ancient Crown prerogative. It is an especially important offence in relation to civil liberties, for if conduct is likely to occasion a breach of the peace that will justify arrest.
In Scots criminal law, disorderly conduct that is likely to occasion a public disturbance. It is a very widely construed crime and often causes concern in relation to civil liberties. It encompasses looking in at a lighted window: Raffaelli v . Heatly 1949 SLT 284; statements made to another in the absence of witness in private: Young v . Heatly 1959 JC 66; and even an exuberant blow to the chest of a fellow footballer: Butcher v . Jessop 1989 SCCR 119.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

breach of the peace
The crime of disorderly conduct or creating a public disturbance, usually involving unnecessary or distracting noise. Merely insulting another, or causing annoyance, is not a breach of the peace.
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

breach of the peace
A comprehensive term encompassing acts or conduct that seriously endanger or disturb public peace and order.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

breach of the peace
A comprehensive term encompassing acts or conduct that seriously endanger or disturb public peace and order.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

breach of the peace
   any act which disturbs the public or even one person. It can include almost any criminal act causing fear or attempting intimidation, such as displaying a pistol or shouting inappropriately.
   See also: breach

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Breach of the peace — is a legal term used in constitutional law in English speaking countries, and in a wider public order sense in Britain.Constitutional lawIn the United States, the Speech or Debate clause of Article One of the United States Constitution provides… …   Wikipedia

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  • breach of the peace — ► breach of the peace chiefly Brit. the criminal offence of behaving in a violent or noisy way that causes a public disturbance. Main Entry: ↑breach …   English terms dictionary

  • breach of the peace — breach′ of the peace′ n. law a violation of the public peace, as by a riot, disturbance, or fighting • Etymology: 1665–75 …   From formal English to slang

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  • breach of the peace — breaches of the peace N VAR A breach of the peace is noisy or violent behaviour in a public place which is illegal because it disturbs other people. [LEGAL] He admitted causing a breach of the peace... Four men were found guilty of breach of the… …   English dictionary

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