- burden
bur·den n1: something that is a duty, obligation, or responsibilitythe prosecution has the burden of proving every element of the offensethe statute imposes undue burden sburden of pleading the necessary elementsthe husband had not carried his burden on the insanity issue — Case & Comment
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- burden
accountability, adversity, affliction, anxiety, assignment, bother, botheration, bounden duty, brunt, call of duty, care, charge, chore, cumbrance, devoir, difficulty, drawback, duty, encumbrance, engagement, errand, handicap, hardship, hindrance, impediment, imposition, job, liability, line of duty, load, mandate, necessity, obligation, onus, oppression, ordeal, pains, requirement, requisite, responsibility, strain, task, tribulation, trouble, undertaking, vexation, weight, work
associated concepts: burden of covenant, burden of easement, burden of going forward with evidence, burden of loss, burden of persuasion, burden of proof, burden upon commerce, shifting of burden
foreign phrases:
- Non debet alteri per alterum iniqua conditio inferri. — A burdensome condition ought not to be imposed upon one man by the act of another- Cum par delictum est duorum, semper oneratur petitor et melior habetur possessoris causa. — When there is equal fault on both sides, the burden is always placed on the plaintiff, and the cause of the possessor is preferred- Actus curiae ne minem gravabit. — An act of the court shall prejudice no one- Probandi necessitas incumbit illi qui agit — The necessity of proving lies with the person who sues.- Qui sentit onus sentire debet et commodum. — He who assumes the burden ought to derive the benefitII index bind (obligate), charge (lien), charge (responsibility), clog, cloud (incumbrance), commitment (responsibility), compel, constrain (compel), disadvantage (noun), disadvantage (verb), duty (obligation), duty (tax), embarrass, encumber (financially obligate), encumber (hinder), encumbrance, grievance, hamper, handicap, harass, impede, impediment, impose (enforce), inflict, interfere, liability, load, mistreat, nuisance, obligation (duty), overcome (overwhelm), overload, parasite, part (role), pressure, responsibility (accountability), servitude, stress (strain), tax (overwork), trouble, weigh
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- burden
n.(1) A duty; something oppressive.(2) A restriction on the use of land.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- burden
A duty or obligation, or anything that restricts an activity or use. This can be intangible — for example, a burden on land such as a zoning restriction or the right of a neighbor to pass over the property to reach his home (easement).Category: Accidents & InjuriesCategory: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- burden
n.1 A duty, obligation, or responsibility.2 Something that causes anxiety or is grievous or oppressive.3 In property law, anything that encumbers or restrict the use or value of land, such as an easement, restrictive covenant, or zoning ordinance. The burden indefinitely binds the current and all future owners until it is extinguished, so it is the land, and the landowner, that is burdened by the encumbrance or restriction.=>> estate.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- burden
n.anything that results in a restrictive load upon something. This is not meant in a tangible sense, but includes a "burden" on interstate commerce (which is any matter which limits, restricts or is onerous such as a license or fee for passage), and "burdens" on land such as zoning restrictions or the right of a neighbor to pass over the property to reach his home (easement).
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.