- oppose
act in opposition to, argue against, balk, battle, be at cross purposes, be contrary to, block, buck, challenge, collide, combat, come in conflict with, confront, confute, contend, contest, contradict, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, counterattack, counterbalance, countermine, counterpoise, countervail, counterweigh, counterwork, debate, defy, demur, deny, disaffirm, disagree, disapprove, dispute, encounter, fight, go against, go contrary to, join issue, negate, not submit, not yield, object, obstruct, offer resistance, oppugn, prevent, prohibit, protest, put in opposition, rebut, recalcitrate, refute, reject, remonstrate, repel, repugn, repulse, resist, set against, stand firm against, strive, strive against, take a stand against, take exception to, take issue with, tourney
associated concepts: oppose a motion, opposing counsel, opposing interest, opposing parties
foreign phrases:
- Error qui non resistitur approbatur. — An error which is not resisted or opposed is waivedII index answer (reply), antagonize, argue, block, challenge, collide (clash), compensate (counterbalance), compete, complain (criticize), condemn (ban), conflict, contend (dispute), contest, contradict, contrast, contravene, controvert, counter, counteract, countervail, cross (disagree with), defy, demonstrate (protest), demur, deprecate, differ (disagree), disaccord, disaffirm, disagree, disallow, disapprove (reject), discourage, disobey, disown (deny the validity), dissent (differ in opinion), dissent (withhold assent), engage (involve), except (object), expostulate, fight (battle), fight (counteract), forbid, frustrate, gainsay, grapple, hamper, impugn, negate, object, oppugn, parry, polarize, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe (prohibit), protest, rebel, rebut, refuse, refute, reject, remonstrate, renounce, repel (drive back), repulse, restrain, stem (check), thwart, trammel, withstand
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006