
care n
1: watchful or protective attention, caution, concern, prudence, or regard usu. towards an action or situation; esp: due care
a person has a duty to use care in dealing with others, and failure to do so is negligence — R. I. Mehr see also due care, negligence, standard of care
◇ Statute, case law, and custom often impose a duty of care. The degree or standard of care owed varies depending on the circumstances. For example, a landlord has to exercise greater care in relation to a tenant than to a trespasser.
2 a: personal supervision or responsibility: charge

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (be cautious) verb be cautious, be concerned, bear in mind, beware, consider, curare, give heed to, guard, have regard, heed, look out for, mind, pay attention to, protect, take precautions, watch out for, watch over associated concepts: care and caution, care and skill, careful, careless, degree of care, due care, extraordinary care, great care, lack of care, ordinary care, slight care, want of care II (regard) verb administer to, attend, attend to, be concerned, be concerned for, become involved, bother, curare, foster, mind, minister to, nurture, pay attention to, protect, serve, supervise, support, sustain, tend, watch over associated concepts: care and custody, care and maintenance, custody or control III index administration, agency (legal relationship), alimony, apprehension (fear), auspices, burden, caution (vigilance), charge (custody), concern (interest), consideration (sympathetic regard), constraint (imprisonment), control (supervision), custody (supervision), direction (guidance), discretion (quality of being discreet), generalship, help, interest (concern), maintenance (upkeep), management (supervision), notice (heed), particularity, patronage (support), precaution, preservation, problem, prudence, regard (attention), relief (aid), rigor, safekeeping, service (assistance), shelter (protection), supervision, surveillance, trust (custody), ward, weight (burden)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Attention, concern, or caution.
(2) Custody.
(3) Duty of care; an obligation to conduct oneself in such a way as to avoid or prevent injury to another.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

Attention, prudence, having responsibilty for. Care is the opposite of negligence and a person exercising reasonable care cannot be liable for injuries that occur as a result of that person's actions.
Category: Accidents & Injuries
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 Serious attention, concern, interest, or regard.
2 In negligence law, the level of caution and prudence demanded in the conduct of a person in a given situation. The appropriate level is determined by measuring the potential dangers in the particular situation, the risk that the person's actions might bring the risk to fruition, and the possible ways of minimizing or eliminating the risk. In some situations, the level of care owed is determined by statute.
-degree of care
@ due care
1 A phrase used to describe the level of care that an ordinarily reasonable, intelligent, and prudent person would use under the same or similar circumstances. For example, "Smith's failure to exercise due care before the accident constitutes negligence." Depending upon the seriousness of the particular situation and the known risks, due care may be reasonable care or a higher or lower degree of care.
@ highest degree of care
@ extraordinary care
The highest degree of care that a very attentive, watchful, and cautious individual would exercise when dealing with a particular situation. Among other things, this is the degree of care that trustees and other fiduciaries are required to exercise when carrying out their fiduciary duties. Also called extraordinary care and highest degree of care.
See also breach.
=>> care.
@ ordinary care
=>> care.
@ reasonable care
The degree of care that an ordinarily reasonable, intelligent, and prudent person utilizing diligence and good judgment would exercise or reasonably be expected to utilize under similar circumstances. Also called due care and ordinary care.
=>> care.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Watchful attention; custody; diligence; concern; caution; as opposed to negligence or carelessness.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Watchful attention; custody; diligence; concern; caution; as opposed to negligence or carelessness.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   in law, to be attentive, prudent and vigilant. Essentially, care (and careful) means that a person does everything he/she is supposed to do (to prevent an accident). It is the opposite of negligence (and negligent), which makes the responsible person liable for damages to persons injured. If a person "exercises care," a court cannot find him/her responsible for damages from an accident in which he/she is involved.
   See also: careless

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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