- put in concealment
blind (obscure), camouflage, plant (covertly place)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Concealment — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Concealment >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 concealment concealment Sgm: N 1 hiding hiding &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 occultation occultation mystification GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 seal of secrecy seal of secrecy … English dictionary for students
concealment — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Keeping secret Nouns 1. concealment; hiding[ place]; curtain, screen, blind; smokescreen, ambush, camouflage; hideaway, hideout, sanctum sanctorum, safe house; secret passage or exit, back or side door,… … English dictionary for students
To put out of the way — Out Out (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and [=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G. aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr. ud. [root]198. Cf. {About}, {But}, prep., {Carouse}, {Utter}, a.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hide — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. skin, pelt, coat; leather. See covering. v. cover, secrete, cloak, veil; dissemble, falsify; hole up; disguise, camouflage. See concealment, secret. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Skin of an animal] Syn. pelt … English dictionary for students
camouflage — I verb adumbrate, alter the appearance of, assume a mask, be concealed, becloud, becurtain, bedim, befog, bemask, blanket, blind, bury, change the face of, cloak, close the curtain, cloud, color, conceal, couch, cover, cover up, curtain, deceive … Law dictionary
plant — I (covertly place) verb bury, cache, camouflage, cloak, cover up, disguise, hide away, keep clandestine, keep hidden, keep secret, mantle, mask, obscure, put in concealment, put out of sight, render invisible, screen, secrete, shade, shroud, veil … Law dictionary
blind — I (concealed) adjective buried, camouflaged, covered, covert, dim, disguised, hidden, imperceptible, inconspicuous, indiscernible, latent, masked, obscure, out of view, private, screened, secreted, shadowy, sheltered, shrouded, unapparent,… … Law dictionary
closet — I. n. 1. Cabinet, private room, retiring room. 2. Store room, clothes room. II. v. a. Admit to intimate interview, put into concealment, admit to secret conference … New dictionary of synonyms
smuggle — v.tr. 1 (also absol.) import or export (goods) illegally esp. without payment of customs duties. 2 (foll. by in, out) convey secretly. 3 (foll. by away) put into concealment. Derivatives: smuggler n. smuggling n. Etymology: 17th c. (also smuckle) … Useful english dictionary
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism