
I noun bafflement, bewilderment, confoundment, confusedness, confusion, difficulty, dilemma, disconcertion, doubt, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiosity, dubiousness, dubitation, incertitude, indecision, indetermination, irresolution, nonplus, perplexity, perturbation, plight, predicament, puzzlement, quagmire, state of doubt, uncertainness, uncertainty II index complication, confusion (ambiguity), deadlock, dilemma, disturbance, doubt (indecision), imbroglio, impasse, incertitude, indecision, plight, predicament, problem, quagmire

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  • Quandary — may refer to:* Dr. Quandary, a fictional character in the video game The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary * Mount Quandary, a mountain of Antarctica * Quandary Peak, a fourteener of Colorado …   Wikipedia

  • Quandary — Quan da*ry, n.; pl. {Quandaries}. [Prob. fr. OE. wandreth adversity, perplexity, Icel. wandr[ae][eth]i difficulty, trouble, fr. vandr difficult.] A state of difficulty or perplexity; doubt; uncertainty. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quandary — Quan da*ry, v. t. To bring into a state of uncertainty, perplexity, or difficulty. [Obs.] Otway. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quandary — (n.) 1570s, state of perplexity, of unknown origin, perhaps a quasi Latinism based on L. quando when …   Etymology dictionary

  • quandary — *predicament, dilemma, plight, scrape, fix, jam, pickle Analogous words: *juncture, pass, exigency, emergency, contingency, crisis: *difficulty, hardship, vicissitude: puzzling or puzzle, mystification, perplexity, bewilderment (see corresponding …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • quandary — [n] delicate situation bewilderment, bind, Catch 22*, clutch, corner*, difficulty, dilemma, double trouble*, doubt, embarrassment, hang up*, impasse, mire, perplexity, pickle*, plight, predicament, puzzle, spot*, strait, uncertainty, up a tree*;… …   New thesaurus

  • quandary — ► NOUN (pl. quandaries) ▪ a state of uncertainty. ORIGIN perhaps partly from Latin quando when …   English terms dictionary

  • quandary — [kwän′də rē, kwän′drē] n. pl. quandaries [earlier quandare, prob. orig. jocular pseudo L < L quande, var. of quam, how much (see QUANTITY) + are, inf. suffix] a state of uncertainty; perplexing situation or position; dilemma SYN. PREDICAMENT …   English World dictionary

  • quandary — n. 1) a hopeless quandary 2) in a quandary (we were in a hopeless quandary) * * * [ kwɒnd(ə)rɪ] a hopeless quandary in a quandary (we were in a hopeless quandary) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • quandary — UK [ˈkwɒndərɪ] / US [ˈkwɑndərɪ] noun Word forms quandary : singular quandary plural quandaries be in a quandary …   English dictionary

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