restrain movement

restrain movement
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  • restrain — re·strain /ri strān/ vt 1 a: to prevent from doing something see also restraining order at order 3b b: to limit, restrict, or keep under control 2: to moderate or limit …   Law dictionary

  • restrain — ► VERB 1) keep under control or within limits. 2) deprive of freedom of movement or personal liberty. 3) repress (a strong emotion). DERIVATIVES restrainable adjective restrainer noun. ORIGIN Latin restringere tie back …   English terms dictionary

  • restrain — verb 1》 prevent from doing something; keep within limits.     ↘deprive of freedom of movement or personal liberty. 2》 repress (a strong emotion). Derivatives restrainable adjective restrainer noun restraining adjective Origin ME: from OFr.… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Eye movement in language reading — The study of eye movement in language reading stretches back almost a thousand years. Eye movements during reading were first described by the French ophthalmologist Louis Émile Javal in the late 19th century. He reported that eyes do not move… …   Wikipedia

  • check, curb, restrain, constrain — These words refer to putting some control on action, movement, development, or progress, but they differ in minor ways. Check means to arrest suddenly, to halt : The rider checked his horse and leaped from the saddle. Curb implies the use of a… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Rhythmic Movement Disorder — Rhythmic Movement Disorder, also referred to as jactatio capitis nocturna , is a condition characterized by repetitive banging or rocking motions just before and during light sleep. This condition occurs primarily in infants and young children,… …   Wikipedia

  • British Counter-intelligence against the Indian revolutionary movement during World War I — British Counter intelligence against the Hindu German Conspiracy began from its initial roots in the late 1900s and ultimately came to span in extent from the Asia through Europe to the West Coast of the United States and Canada, and was… …   Wikipedia

  • fetter — I noun bond, bridle, catena, chain, check, compes, confinement, constraint, control, curb, detention, deterrence, deterrent, disadvantage, encumbrance, gyve, hamper, handicap, hindrance, impediment, imprisonment, incarceration, inhibition,… …   Law dictionary

  • aircraft tiedown — Securing aircraft when parked in the open to restrain movement due to the weather or condition of the parking area …   Military dictionary

  • restrainable — restrain ► VERB 1) keep under control or within limits. 2) deprive of freedom of movement or personal liberty. 3) repress (a strong emotion). DERIVATIVES restrainable adjective restrainer noun. ORIGIN Latin restringere tie back …   English terms dictionary

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