- restrain
re·strain /ri-'strān/ vtb: to limit, restrict, or keep under control2: to moderate or limit the force, effect, development, or full exercise of3: to deprive of liberty and esp. of physical movement
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- restrain
arrest, bar, bind, blockade, bridle, call a halt, check, confine, constrain, contain, control, cramp, curb, curtail, debar, delimit, deprive of liberty, detain, deter, disallow, discountenance, enchain, enclose, enjoin, fasten, fetter, forbid, govern, hamper, handcuff, handicap, harness, hinder, hold, hold back, hold in check, hold in custody, immure, impound, imprison, incarcerate, inhibit, interdict, jail, keep, keep under control, keep within bounds, limit, lock up, manacle, moderate, obstruct, oppose, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, quell, repress, reprimere, restrict, retinere, shackle, stifle, stop, subdue, subjugate, suppress, take into custody, take prisoner, tenere, tie, trammel, vanquish, wall in, withhold
associated concepts: restraining order, restraining statute
foreign phrases:
- Exempla illustrant non restrigunt legem. — Examples illustrate, but do not restrain, the law.II index allay, apprehend (arrest), arrest (apprehend), arrest (stop), balk, ban, bar (hinder), block, border (bound), cancel, capture, censor, check (restrain), clog, commit (institutionaiize), condemn (ban), confine, constrain (imprison), constrain (restrain), constrict (inhibit), continue (adjourn), curb, debar, deter, diminish, discipline (control), discourage, disqualify, enclose, enjoin, estop, fetter, foil, forbear, forbid, govern, halt, hamper, hinder, hold up (delay), immure, impede, imprison, inhibit, interdict, jail, limit, lock, mitigate, moderate (temper), mollify, obstruct, occlude, police, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe (prohibit), repress, restrict, rule (govern), stay (halt), stem (check), stifle, stop, strangle, subdue, subjugate, suppress, thwart, toll (stop), trammel, withhold
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- restrain
v.To hold back; to confine or limit; to prevent some action or restrict freedom.n.restraint
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.