
cite /'sīt/ vt cit·ed, cit·ing [Latin citare to rouse, call on, summon]
1: to demand the appearance of in court: serve with a citation
had been cited for contempt
you are hereby cited to show cause in the Probate Court
2: to quote or refer to as a precedent or authority
the plaintiff cite s several cases for the proposition

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (accuse) verb allege, blame, bring a charge, bring an action, call to account, censure, challenge, charge, complain, denounce, discredit, impeach, implicate, impute, incriminate, inform against, lodge a complaint, make a complaint II (state) verb advance, attest, authenticate, bring forward, certify, circumstantiate, document, enunciate, establish, evidence, evince, exemplify, exhibit, express, give as example, illustrate, indicate, introduce as an example, maintain, make evident, make reference to, manifest, mention, name, point to, predicate, present as proof, prove, quote, recite, refer to, refer to legal authorities, set forth, show, show evidence, show proof, specify, substantiate, use in support of propositions of law associated concepts: cite a case as precedence III index accuse, allege, allude, arraign, bear (adduce), blame, charge (accuse), complain (charge), denounce (condemn), exemplify, extract, honor, illustrate, mention, order, posit, present (prefer charges), quote, recognize (acknowledge), refer (direct attention), specify, summon

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) To make reference to a legal authority, such as a statute or the decision in another case, to make a legal point in argument. (2) To give notice of being charged with a minor crime and a date for appearance in court to answer the charge rather than being arrested (usually given by a police officer).
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 v. To bring forward, provide, or refer to as authority, illustration, precedent, proof, or support.
2 n. A citation to a statute, judicial decision, treatise, or other legal authority.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

To notify a person of a proceeding against him or her or to call a person forth to appear in court.
To make reference to a legal authority, such as a case, in a citation.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

To notify a person of a proceeding against him or her or to call a person forth to appear in court.
To make reference to a legal authority, such as a case, in a citation.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) to make reference to a decision in another case to make a legal point in argument.
   2) to give notice of being charged with a minor crime and a date for appearance in court to answer the charge rather than being arrested (usually given by a police officer).
   See also: citation

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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