
com·ment n
1 often cap
a: an essay analyzing, criticizing, or explaining a subject
a comment published in the Yale Law Review
b: an explanatory remark appended to a section of text (as of enacted code)
2: an expression of an opinion or attitude about something: as
a: a remark to a jury by a judge or prosecutor about evidence
◇ A prosecutor may not remark to the jury that a defendant's failure to testify implies guilt, and a judge may not remark to the jury his or her opinion about what the evidence does or does not prove.
b: a written expression of opinion or information solicited by an agency about a subject of its rulemaking see also informal rulemaking

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun animadversion, annotation, assertion, averment, censeo, clarification, commentary, dictum, elucidation, enucleation, example, exegesis, exemplification, explanation, explanatory note, explication, exposition, expounding, expression, finding, footnote, gloss, illumination, illustration, interpretation, marginal annotation, mention, notation, note, note of explanation, observation, postulate, reflection, remark, report, scholium, statement, utterance, word of explanation associated concepts: comment on defendant's failure to testify, comment on evidence, comment on witness' credibility, comment upon the testimony, comments on the weight of evidence II verb allege, animadvert, annotate, assert, bring out, censere, clarify, clear, criticize, declare, define, descant, dilate upon, discourse upon, discuss, elucidate, enlighten, enucleate, exemplify, expand on, explain, explicate, exposit on, expound, express, give a sense to, gloss, illuminate, illustrate, interject, interpose, interpret, make clear, make notes, make observations, make remarks, mention, note, notice, observe, opine, pass on, point out, posit, postulate, put a meaning on, rationalize, remark, remark upon, render intelligible, reprove, review, say, sententiam dicere, shed light upon, spell out, state, touch upon, treat, utter associated concepts: comment on defendant's failure to testify, comment on evidence, comment on witness' credibility, comment upon the testimony, comments on the weight of evidence, prosecutor's comments on evidence III index construction, convey (communicate), discourse, discuss, express, interject, mention (reference), muse, notation, note (brief comment), notice (observe), observation, observe (remark), phrase, pronouncement, remark (noun), remark (verb), review (critical evaluation), statement

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

An opinion or reaction to something; an observation.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

A statement made by a judge or attorney during a trial that's based on an alleged but as-yet unproven fact. The lawyer for the other side may object, and the judge may remind the jury (if a jury is present) that such comments should not be taken as evidence. (However, as they say, "A bell once rung, cannot be unrung.")
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 A scholarly article or essay, usually written by a law student and published in a law review, analyzing a judicial decision and its context in the law.
See also annotation, note.
2 An explanation of a statute, code section, or administrative rule written by the drafters of the statute, section, or rule.
See also annotation.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   a statement made by a judge or an attorney during a trial which is based on an alleged fact, but not a proven fact. If a comment is made in the presence of the jury, the jurors should be reminded it is not evidence and should not be considered. But how can a juror forget? The old adage: "a bell once rung, cannot be unrung," applies.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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