
index clemency, compensation, compromise, exchange, immunity, mutuality, replacement, subrogation

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Reducing a sentence resulting from a criminal conviction, which can be done by the governor of a state (state convictions) or the president of the United States (federal convictions). A commutation is distinguished from a pardon, which wipes out the conviction and can even stop the actual or potential charge (as when President Gerald R. Ford pardoned ex-President Richard M. Nixon even without charges having been officially made—a rare instance of the use of the presidential pardon power). Commutation implies the penalty was excessive or there is evidence of rehabilitation, reform, community service, or other indications of good conduct.
Category: Criminal Law
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

In the context of pensions, the process of giving up a pension in exchange for a lump sum of equal value. The term is also used to describe the conversion of rental payments under leases into a fixed amount.

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

n. In criminal law, the president's or governor's substitution of a less severe punishment for a greater one that was imposed by a court in a criminal action.
See also amnesty, pardon, reprieve.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

Modification, exchange, or substitution.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

Modification, exchange, or substitution.
II The reduction of a sentence, as from death to life imprisonment.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the act of reducing a criminal sentence resulting from a criminal conviction by the executive clemency of the Governor of the state, or President of the United States in the case of federal crimes. This is not the same as a pardon, which wipes out the conviction or the actual or potential charge (as when President Gerald R. Ford pardoned ex-President Richard M. Nixon even without charges having been officially made-a rare instance). A pardon implies either that the conviction was wrong, that there has been complete rehabilitation of the party, or that he/she has lived an exemplary life for many years and deserves to have his/her name cleared in old age. Commutation implies the penalty was excessive or there has been rehabilitation, reform or other circumstances such as good conduct or community service. Commutation is sometimes used when there is evidence that the defendant was not guilty, but it would prove embarrassing to admit an outright error by the courts.
   See also: executive clemency, pardon

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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/ (of a greater punishment by a less)

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  • commutation — [ kɔmytasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • déb. XIIe; lat. commutatio « changement » 1 ♦ Didact. Substitution, remplacement. Commutation et permutation. Spécialt Substitution d un élément par un autre, dégageant des distinctions pertinentes (notamment en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Commutation — Com mu*ta tion, n. [L. commutatio: cf. F. commutation.] 1. A passing from one state to another; change; alteration; mutation. [R.] [1913 Webster] So great is the commutation that the soul then hated only that which now only it loves. South. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • commutation — com‧mu‧ta‧tion [ˌkɒmjˈteɪʆn ǁ ˌkɑː ] noun [countable] INSURANCE a single large payment instead of a series of future payments: • The assets of the insurer will be used to make a single, final payment, called a commutation, to policyholders. * * …   Financial and business terms

  • commutation — COMMUTATION. s. f. Changement. Il n est en usage que dans cette phrase, qui se dit en matière criminelle, Commutation de peine …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • commutation — mid 15c., from O.Fr. commutacion change, transformation, exchange, barter (13c., Mod.Fr. commutation), from L. commutationem (nom. commutatio) a change, alteration, noun of action from commutare to change, alter entirely (see COMMUTE (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • commutation — Commutation. substant. fem. Changement. Il n est en usage qu en cette phrase. Commutation de peine …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • commutation — [käm΄yə tā′shən] n. [ME & OFr commutacion < L commutatio, a changing < commutatus, pp. of commutare,COMMUTE] 1. an exchange; substitution 2. a) the substitution of one kind of payment for another b) the payment made ☆ 3. the act of… …   English World dictionary

  • Commutation — (v. lat. Commutatio), 1) Veränderung, Vertauschung; 2) (Rhet.), so v. w. Antimetabole; 3) (Commutationswinkel, Astr.), der Winkel, welchen die Linie von der Erde aus zur Sonne mit einer andern von der Sonne zu einem Planeten macht; er ist immer… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • commutation — et changement, Commutatio …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • commutation — ► NOUN 1) the commuting of a judicial sentence. 2) the commutating of an electric current …   English terms dictionary

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