H Res

H Res
H Res abbrHouse resolution

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

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  • Res judicata — or res iudicata (RJ), also known as claim preclusion, is the Latin term for a matter [already] judged , and may refer to two concepts: in both civil law and common law legal systems, a case in which there has been a final judgment and is no… …   Wikipedia

  • Res ipsa loquitur — is a legal term from the Latin meaning, the thing itself speaks but is more often translated the thing speaks for itself. It signifies that further details are unnecessary; the proof of the case is self evident. The doctrine is applied to tort… …   Wikipedia

  • res ipsa loquitur — res ipsa lo·qui·tur also res ipsa lo·qui·tor / lō kwə tər/ n [Latin, the thing speaks for itself]: a doctrine or rule of evidence in tort law that permits an inference or presumption that a defendant was negligent in an accident injuring the… …   Law dictionary

  • res judicata — res ju·di·ca·ta / rēz ˌjü di kä tə, rās ˌyü / n [Latin, judged matter] 1: a thing, matter, or determination that is adjudged or final: as a: a claim, issue, or cause of action that is settled by a judgment conclusive as to the rights, questions,… …   Law dictionary

  • res — (izg. rȇs) DEFINICIJA 1. stvar 2. fil. u skolastici izraz za izvanjsku stvarnost SINTAGMA res cogitans (izg. res kȏgitans) fil. samosvjesni subjekt; »stvar koja misli«, opr. res extensa; res extensa (izg. res ekstènsa) fil. nesvjesni objekt koji… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Res (disambiguation) — Res or RES may refer to: * RES (magazine), a bimonthly media lifestyle magazine ** RESFest, a digital short film festival run by the magazine * Review of Economic Studies * Res, an R B singer * RES Registrazioni e Suoni (English: RES Recordings… …   Wikipedia

  • Res communis — (chose commune, au pluriel « res communes », choses communes) est une expression latine utilisée en ius publicum (droit public) qui désigne une chose ou un bien commun, c est à dire qui de par sa nature ne peut être appropriée. Elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • res gestae — res ges·tae / rās ges ˌtī, rēz jes ˌtē/ n pl [Latin, things done, deeds] 1: the acts, facts, circumstances, statements, or occurrences that form the environment of a main act or event and esp. of a crime and are so closely connected to it that… …   Law dictionary

  • Res gestae (auguste) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Res gestae. Un fragment des Res Gestae. Les Res Gestae Divi Augusti (les Actes du divin Auguste) e …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Res (desambiguación) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término latino res (cosa) hace referencia a varios artículos en la wikipedia: Contenido 1 Animal 2 Expresiones latinas 3 Filosofía …   Wikipedia Español

  • Res publica — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Res publica es una expresión del latín, que significa literalmente cosa pública . Es el origen de la palabra República . En general se vincula con los conceptos actuales de sector público y Estado. Contenido 1 Res… …   Wikipedia Español

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