asset-backed commercial paper
- asset-backed commercial paper
asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP)
United Kingdom
A form of commercial paper that is secured by the future cash flows from a wide variety of financial assets. Known as "receivables", such assets may include trade and credit card receivables, equipment and consumer loans, ABS, MBS and corporate bonds. Receivables are acquired by the ABCP issuer using the sale proceeds arising under the ABCP issuance programme.
ABCP securities mature no later than 180 days after issue and are used for meeting the short-term financing needs of the entity that established the ABCP programme.
ABCP issuers (referred to as a "conduits") are typically established by a bank or other credit institution (also known as a "sponsor") in the form of bankruptcy-remote special purpose vehicles (SPVs) or structured investment vehicles (SIVs). This structure allows the issuer and its assets to be legally separated from the sponsoring bank or credit institution, insulating the issuer from (among other things) the insolvency of the sponsor.
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Asset-backed commercial paper — (ABCP) is a form of commercial paper that is collateralised by other financial assets. ABCPs are typically short term investments that mature between 90 and 180 days and are typically issued by a bank or other financial institution. They are… … Wikipedia
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Asset Backed Commercial Paper — Asset backed Commercial Papers (ABCP), deutsch auch „besicherte Geldmarktpapiere“[1] sind mit Assets unterlegte Geldmarktpapiere (commercial paper, CP) und ein Anwendungsfall der Verbriefung von Forderungen. Die Forderungsverkäufer (Originator)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Asset-Backed Commercial Paper - ABCP — A short term investment vehicle with a maturity that is typically between 90 and 180 days. The security itself is typically issued by a bank or other financial institution. The notes are backed by physical assets such as trade receivables, and… … Investment dictionary
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Asset backed Commercial Papers — (ABCP), deutsch auch „besicherte Geldmarktpapiere“[1] sind mit Assets unterlegte Geldmarktpapiere (commercial paper, CP) und ein Anwendungsfall der Verbriefung von Forderungen. Die Forderungsverkäufer (Originator) erhalten für den Verkauf ihres… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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