pecuniary legacy

pecuniary legacy
England, Wales
A gift of money in a will.
A pecuniary legacy is usually a general legacy, but may also be specific (specific legacy) or demonstrative (demonstrative legacy).

Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • pecuniary legacy — A legacy which is to be paid out of the general assets of the testator s estate when they shall be converted into money. Humphrey v Robinson, 52 Hun 200, 203, 5 NYS 164 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • legacy — leg·a·cy / le gə sē/ n pl cies [Medieval Latin legatio, from Latin legare to bequeath]: a gift of property by will; specif: a gift of personal property by will: bequest see also ademption compare devise conjoint leg …   Law dictionary

  • pecuniary — pe·cu·ni·ary /pi kyü nē ˌer ē/ adj: consisting of, measured in, or relating to money pecuniary damages Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. pecuniary …   Law dictionary

  • pecuniary — /pakyuwn(i)yariy/ Monetary; relating to money; financial; consisting of money or that which can be valued in money. As to pecuniary consideration pecuniary damages pecuniary legacy; see those titles @ pecuniary benefits Benefits that can be… …   Black's law dictionary

  • legacy — A disposition of personalty by will. A bequest. In a technical sense and strictly construed, legacy is a gift or bequest by will of personal property, whereas a devise is a testamentary disposition of real estate, but such distinction will not be …   Black's law dictionary

  • legacy — A disposition of personalty by will. A bequest. In a technical sense and strictly construed, legacy is a gift or bequest by will of personal property, whereas a devise is a testamentary disposition of real estate, but such distinction will not be …   Black's law dictionary

  • specific legacy — see legacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. specific legacy …   Law dictionary

  • demonstrative legacy — see legacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. demonstrative legacy …   Law dictionary

  • general legacy — see legacy Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. general legacy …   Law dictionary

  • specific gift — England, Wales specific gift, Also known as a specific legacy. A gift of a particular asset (or assets) in a testator s estate to one or more beneficiaries in a will. For example, the following are all specific gifts: • I give the cash in my desk …   Law dictionary

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