
ac·ci·dent n: an unexpected usu. sudden event that occurs without intent or volition although sometimes through carelessness, unawareness, ignorance, or a combination of causes and that produces an unfortunate result (as an injury) for which the affected party may be entitled to relief under the law or to compensation under an insurance policy see also unavoidable accident
◇ The term accident has been held to include intentional acts (such as an assault and battery) under workers' compensation laws.
ac·ci·den·tal adj
ac·ci·den·tal·ly also ac·ci·dent·ly adv

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (chance occurrence) noun adventitiousness, befalling, blind chance, casus, circumstance, fortuitous event, fortuity, happening, hazard, incident, inevitable occurrence, sudden happening, unanticipated event, undesigned occurrence, unexpected misfortune, unexpected occurrence, unforeseen occurrence associated concepts: accidental cause, accidental loss, accidental means foreign phrases:
- Casus fortuitus non est sperandus, et nemo tenetur devinare. — A fortuitous event is not to be foreseen, and no one is bound to expect it.
- Casus fortuitus non est supponendus. — A fortuitous happening is not to be presumed
II (misfortune) noun adversity, affliction, calamity, casualty, contretemps, disaster, injurious occurrence, misadventure, miscarriage, mischance, mishap, unfortunate event associated concepts: accident arising out of the course of employment, accidental bodily injury, accidental fires, collision, disability caused by an accident, expectable loss, external, foreseeable loss, violent and accidental means III index act of God, casualty, catastrophe, contingency, emergency, happenstance, misfortune, tragedy

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A chance occurrence or incident; an unforeseen and unintended event; often used to describe unfortunate occurrences, such as injury or mishap.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

an undesired or unintended happening. While the lay person uses the term with implications of blame, the lawyer tends to use it in a neutral sense to describe the phenomenon. Inevitable accident falls within the concept of act of God, or damnum fatale.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

1 An unintended, unforeseen, and undesirable event, especially one that causes harm, injury, damage, or loss.
2 An unintended and unexpected event, especially one that is undesirable or harmful, that does not occur in the usual course of events under the circumstances in which it occurred, or that would not be reasonably anticipated.
3 In equity, an unexpected and injurious event not caused by misconduct, mistake, or negligence.
4 In many automobile insurance policies, any unintentional event including those caused by misconduct, mistake, or negligence.
@ unavoidable accident
An accident that is not caused by the negligence or other fault of anyone involved.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

The word accident is derived from the Latin verb accidere, signifying "fall upon, befall, happen, chance." In its most commonly accepted meaning, or in its ordinary or popular sense, the word may be defined as meaning: some sudden and unexpected event taking place without expectation, upon the instant, rather than something that continues, progresses or develops; something happening by chance; something unforeseen, unexpected, unusual, extraordinary, or phenomenal, taking place not according to the usual course of things or events, out of the range of ordinary calculations; that which exists or occurs abnormally, or an uncommon occurrence.
The word may be employed as denoting a calamity, casualty, catastrophe, disaster, an undesirable or unfortunate happening; any unexpected personal injury resulting from any unlooked for mishap or occurrence; any unpleasant or unfortunate occurrence that causes injury, loss, suffering, or death; some untoward occurrence aside from the usual course of events. An event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

The word accident is derived from the Latin verb accidere, signifying "fall upon, befall, happen, chance." In its most commonly accepted meaning, or in its ordinary or popular sense, the word may be defined as meaning: some sudden and unexpected event taking place without expectation, upon the instant, rather than something that continues, progresses or develops; something happening by chance; something unforeseen, unexpected, unusual, extraordinary, or phenomenal, taking place not according to the usual course of things or events, out of the range of ordinary calculations; that which exists or occurs abnormally, or an uncommon occurrence.
The word may be employed as denoting a calamity, casualty, catastrophe, disaster, an undesirable or unfortunate happening; any unexpected personal injury resulting from any unlooked for mishap or occurrence; any unpleasant or unfortunate occurrence that causes injury, loss, suffering, or death; some untoward occurrence aside from the usual course of events. An event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; an undesigned, sudden, and unexpected event.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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