
index appropriation (taking), attachment (seizure), condemnation (seizure), disseisin, distraint, distress (seizure), escheatment, expropriation (divestiture), foreclosure, forfeiture (act of forfeiting), garnishment, levy, privation, sequestration, taking

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

the taking away of the property of another, usually by the state. In relation to the acquisition of land and the like for state projects, most systems have procedures allowing for appeal and always with compensation. Customs and Excise authorities can confiscate certain goods where the proper duty has not been paid. In criminal cases, confiscation or forfeiture is now much more common than once was the case, with statutory powers being available to penalise serious criminals in a much more effective way than handing out sentences of imprisonment. So it is now possible in the UK for drug dealers to lose the houses bought with the proceeds of their trade and for the getaway car in a bank robbery to be taken and sold. There is, of course, no compensation in such cases, but there is usually a right of appeal as with any sentence. The right to property under European human rights law (See European Court of Human Rights) means that confiscation measures cannot operate against the presumption of innocence nor by perhaps confiscating the property of another person in a process in which he is not involved.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

n. The appropriation of private property without just compensation for the public use or treasury, often as a penalty resulting from a criminal prosecution or when possession of the property is itself a crime.
See also condemn.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

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  • CONFISCATION — CONFISCATI Transfert de biens privés prononcé par l’État à son profit ou à celui d’établissements ou de personnes désignés par lui, et opéré sans indemnité, en application d’une peine ou d’une mesure de sûreté. Inscrite dans les codes helléniques …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Confiscation — Confiscation, from the Latin confiscatio joining to the fiscus, i.e. transfer to the treasury is a legal seizure without compensation by a government or other public authority. The word is also used, popularly, of spoliation under legal forms, or …   Wikipedia

  • confiscation — CONFISCATION. s. f. Action de confisquer, adjudication au fisc. Le bannissement perpétuel, et la condamnation à mort, emportent confiscation de biens. À peine de confiscation des exemplaires contrefaits. Les Pays où confiscation a lieu. [b]f♛/b]… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • confiscation — Confiscation. subst. fem. Action de confisquer, Adjudication au fisc. La condamnation à mort emporte confiscation de biens. à peine de confiscation des exemplaires contrefaits. les pays où confiscation a lieu. Il sign. aussi, Les biens confisquez …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • confiscation — Confiscation, ou biens confisquez et publication de biens d aucun ou de plusieurs, Publicatio, Sectio. Qui achette la confiscation d aucun pour y gaigner, Sector. Confiscation de fief, Commissi poena. B. Demander confiscation de fief, Lege agere… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • confiscation — 1540s, from M.Fr. confiscation, from L. confiscationem (nom. confiscatio), noun of action from confiscare (see CONFISCATE (Cf. confiscate)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Confiscation — Con fis*ca tion, n. [L. confiscatio.] The act or process of taking property or condemning it to be taken, as forfeited to the public use. [1913 Webster] The confiscations following a subdued rebellion. Hallam. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Confiscation — Confiscation, die gesetzliche Beschlagnahme von Geld oder Gut; confisciren, in Beschlag nehmen; confiscirt, in Beschlag genommen; c. Aussehen, lüderliches und verdächtiges Aussehen …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • Confiscation — La confiscation est une sanction décidée par une autorité qui s approprie les biens d une personne ou d une entreprise sans contrepartie. Sommaire 1 Notions voisines 2 Confiscation générale et confiscation spécifique 2.1 En France …   Wikipédia en Français

  • CONFISCATION — s. f. Action de confisquer, adjudication au fisc. La peine de la confiscation des biens a été abolie, en France, par la charte constitutionnelle. Le bannissement perpétuel et la condamnation à mort emportaient autrefois confiscation des biens. À… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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