
index confusion (turmoil)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

the mixing of liquids, the property in which is governed by rules in the law of Scotland. If the liquids are of the same kind, e.g. wine and wine, there is common property in proportion to quantity and value. If of different substances that cannot be separated, e.g. water and wine, this is but a form of specificatio.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

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  • confusio — /kanfyiiwz(hXi)yow/ In the civil law, the inseparable intermixture of property belonging to different owners; it is properly confined to the pouring together of fluids, but is sometimes also used of a melting together of metals or any compound… …   Black's law dictionary

  • confusio — /kanfyiiwz(hXi)yow/ In the civil law, the inseparable intermixture of property belonging to different owners; it is properly confined to the pouring together of fluids, but is sometimes also used of a melting together of metals or any compound… …   Black's law dictionary

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