- doubt
(indecision) noun
ambiguity, anxiety, apprehension, apprehensiveness, confusion, dubitatio, dubito, faltering, feeling of uncertainty, hesitancy, improbability, inability to decide, incertitude, indefiniteness, indeterminateness, indetermination, infirmity of purpose, insecurity, instability, irresolution, lack of certitude, lack of confidence, lack of conviction, lack of faith, matter of dubitation, misgiving, perplexity, precariousness, qualification, qualm, qualmishness, quandary, question, reluctance, reservation, reserve, self-doubt, state of suspense, suspended judgment, suspense, uncertain state, uncertainness, uncertainty, undecidedness, undeterminedness, unsettled opinion, unsettlement, unsteadiness, unsureness, vacillation, vagueness, want of confidence, want of faith, wavering
associated concepts: beyond a reasonable doubt standard, rational doubt, reasonable doubt
foreign phrases:
- Nobiliores et benigniores praesumptiones in dubiis sunt praeferendae. — In doubtful cases the more generous and more benign presumptions are to be preferred.- Ambiguitas verborum latens verlficatione suppletur; nam quod ex facto oritur ambiguum verlficatione facti tollitur. — A latent verba ambiguity may be removed by evidence, for whatever ambiguity arises from an extrinsic fact may be explained by extrinsic evidence.- Quae dubitation Is tollendae causa contractibus inseruntur, jus commune non laedunt. — Those clauses which are inserted in agreements to avoid doubts and ambiguity do not offend the common lawII (suspicion) noun apprehension, chariness, consternation, critical attitude, disbelief, discredit, dismay, distrust, distrustfulness, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiousness, dubitation, faithlessness, hesitation, improbability, incredibility, incredulity, incredulousness, lack of confidence, lack of faith, lack of trust, matter of dubitation, misdoubt, misgiving, mistrust, mistrustfulness, qualm, qualmishness, question in one's mind, refusal to believe, reluctance to believe, skepticalness, skepticism, suspicio, suspiciousness, unbelief, uncredulousness, want of confidence, want of faith, want of trust, wariness III (distrust) verb awake a suspicion, be apprehensive, be doubtful, be dubious, be incredulous, be nervous, be skeptical, be suspicious, be uncertain, challenge, disbelieve, discredit, dispute, entertain doubts, entertain suspicions, feel distrust, find hard to believe, give no credence to, greet with skepticism, half believe, harbor doubts, harbor suspicions, have doubts, have fears, have misgivings, have questions, have suspicions, impugn, lack confidence in, misbelieve, misdoubt, misgive, mistrust, not admit, not believe, object, query, question, raise a question, raise a suspicion, refuse to believe, refuse to trust, regard with suspicion, suspect, withhold reliance associated concepts: doubt the credibility of a witness IV (hesitate) verb be in a quandary, be irresolute, be puzzled, be uncertain, be undecided, be undetermined, debate, delay, deliberate, demur, dubitate, equivocate, falter, feel unsure, fluctuate, have qualms, have reservations, hold off, pause, ponder, push aside, put off a decision, puzzle over, scruple, stop to consider, table, think it over, vacillate, waver, withhold judgment associated concepts: beyond a reasonable doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, free from all doubt V index cloud (suspicion), confusion (ambiguity), disbelieve, discount (disbelieve), dispute (contest), hesitate, hesitation, improbability, incertitude, incredulity, indecision, misdoubt, misgiving, mistrust, qualm, quandary, reluctance, scruple, suspect (distrust), suspicion (mistrust)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- doubt
n.Uncertainty.v.doubt See also reasonable doubt
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- doubt
To question or hold questionable. Uncertainty of mind; the absence of a settled opinion or conviction; the attitude of mind toward the acceptance of or belief in a proposition, theory, or statement, in which the judgment is not at rest but inclines alternately to either side.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- doubt
To question or hold questionable. Uncertainty of mind; the absence of a settled opinion or conviction; the attitude of mind toward the acceptance of or belief in a proposition, theory, or statement, in which the judgment is not at rest but inclines alternately to either side.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.