- profit
prof·it n1: gain in excess of expenditures: asa: the excess of the selling price of goods over their cost2: a benefit or advantage from the use of property see also mesne profits, profit a prendre compare easement, right of way, servitude
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- profit
accruance, accumulation, acquisition, advancement, advantage, augmentation, avails, benefaction, benefit, clearance, compensation, dividend, earnings, emolument, financial reward, fructus, fruits, gain, growth, harvest, improvement, incentive, income, increase, increment, interest, lucrum, meed, output, pay, payment, premium, prize, proceeds, produce, quaestus, realization, receipts, remuneration, return, revenue, reward, service, take, utility, value received, windfall, winnings, yield
associated concepts: accumulated profits, anticipated profits, capital, carrying on business for profit, distributable profits, excessive profits, excess profits tax, gross profit, loss of profits, margin of profit, net profit, not for profit, pecuniary profits, profit a prendre, profit sharing, prospective profit, remote profits, secret profits, speculative profits, surplus profits, underwriting profits, undistributed profits
foreign phrases:
- Ubi pericuium, ibi et lucrum collocatur. — He who risks a thing, should receive the profits arising from itII verb acquire, advance, assist, avail, be better for, be improved by, be of use, benefit, cash in on, clear, confer a benefit on, contribute, draw profit from, edify, gain, gain advantage, harvest, help, improve, learn a lesson from, make capital out of, make good use of, make improvement, make money by, make use of, obtain a return, produce a good effect, produce a good result, proficere, put to use, realize, reap, reap the fruits, turn to account, use, utilize, yield returns III index advantage, avail (bring about), bear (yield), behalf, benefit (betterment), boom (prosperity), capitalize (seize the chance), collect (recover money), commission (fee), dividend, earn, earnings, edification, gain, inure (benefit), output, pay, perquisite, proceeds, prosperity, realization, realize (obtain as a profit), reap, revenue, succeed (attain), utility (usefulness), worth
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- profit
n.Financial gain; income greater than the costs and expenses involved in earning it.v.To earn a profit; to benefit.
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- profit
n. The amount of money received for goods and services minus the amount spent on same; excess revenue.See also profit а prendre.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- profit
Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e., net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from business or investment over and above expenditures.Accession of good, valuable results, useful consequences, avail, or gain. The benefit, advantage, or pecuniary gain accruing to the owner or occupant of land from its actual use; as in the familiar phrase rents, issues and profits, or in the expression mesne profits.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- profit
Most commonly, the gross proceeds of a business transaction less the costs of the transaction; i.e., net proceeds. Excess of revenues over expenses for a transaction; sometimes used synonymously with net income for the period. Gain realized from business or investment over and above expenditures.Accession of good, valuable results, useful consequences, avail, or gain. The benefit, advantage, or pecuniary gain accruing to the owner or occupant of land from its actual use; as in the familiar phrase rents, issues and profits, or in the expression mesne profits.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.