
ex·ten·sion n: an increase in length of time; specif: an increase in the time allowed under an agreement

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (expansion) noun addition, aggrandizement, amplification, augmentation, broadening, dilatation, dilation, distention, enlargement, growth, increase, increase of size, increment, magnification, prolatio, propagatio, spreading, stretching, supplementation, widening II (postponement) noun abeyance, added time, additional time, adjournment, break, continuance, continuation, deferment, deferral, delay, extra time, further time, intermission, moratorium, more time, pause, prolongation, recess, respite, rest, stall, stay, suspension, suspension of activity, temporary stop, temporary suspension associated concepts: extension for good cause, extension of payment, extension of renewal of note, extension of time III index accession (enlargement), accretion, addition, additive, adjournment, adjunct, advance (increase), appendix (accession), appurtenance, augmentation, boom (increase), continuance, continuation (prolongation), deferment, development (progression), growth (increase), increment, inflation (increase), insertion, latitude, magnitude, offshoot, organ, rider, stress (strain), survival

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) An allowance of additional time after a deadline has expired.
(2) An addition that makes something bigger, such as a structure added to a building to make it larger.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

The granting of a specific amount of extra time to make a payment, file a legal document after the date due, or continue a lease after the original expiration of the term.
Category: Business, LLCs & Corporations
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

An increase in the length of time specified in a contract.
A part constituting an addition or enlargement, as in an annex to a building or an extension to a house. Addition to existing facilities.
An allowance of additional time for the payment of debts. An agreement between a debtor and his or her creditors, by which they allow the debtor further time for the payment of liabilities.
A creditor's indulgence by giving a debtor further time to pay an existing debt.
The word extension, when used in its proper and usual sense in connection with a lease, means a prolongation of the previous leasehold estate. The distinction between extension and renewal of lease is chiefly that, in the case of renewal, a new lease is requisite, while, in the case of extension, the same lease continues in force during an additional period upon performance of a stipulated act. An option for renewal implies giving a new lease on the same terms as those of an old lease, while an option for extension contemplates a continuance of an old lease for a further period.
Request for additional time to file an income tax return beyond the due date.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

An increase in the length of time specified in a contract.
A part constituting an addition or enlargement, as in an annex to a building or an extension to a house. Addition to existing facilities.
An allowance of additional time for the payment of debts. An agreement between a debtor and his or her creditors, by which they allow the debtor further time for the payment of liabilities.
A creditor's indulgence by giving a debtor further time to pay an existing debt.
The word extension, when used in its proper and usual sense in connection with a lease, means a prolongation of the previous leasehold estate. The distinction between extension and renewal of lease is chiefly that, in the case of renewal, a new lease is requisite, while, in the case of extension, the same lease continues in force during an additional period upon performance of a stipulated act. An option for renewal implies giving a new lease on the same terms as those of an old lease, while an option for extension contemplates a continuance of an old lease for a further period.
Request for additional time to file an income tax return beyond the due date.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   granting of a specific amount of extra time to make a payment, file a legal document after the date due or continue a lease after the original expiration of the term.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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