
re·ci·tal /ri-'sīt-əl/ n: a formal statement or setting forth of some relevant matter of fact in a deed or other document
a recital of a factual reason for a transaction
◇ A recital is often preceded by whereas.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun account, depiction, description, detailed statement, discourse, dissertation, enumeratio, explanation, exposition, graphic account, iteration, lecture, narratio, narration, narrative, oration, reaffirmation, reassertation, recapitulation, recitation, recountal, recounting, reiteration, relation, rendition, report, representation, restatement, retelling, review, statement, story, summary, summing up, telling associated concepts: recital in a deed, recital of consideration II index account (report), declamation, delineation, disclosure (act of disclosing), disclosure (something disclosed), discourse, instruction (teaching), mention (reference), narration, report (detailed account), restatement, specification, speech, statement, story (narrative)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

n. Formal statement(s) in a written document that sets forth certain facts that form a basis or reason for the agreement or transaction which follows; generally prefaced with the term "whereas," as in "Whereas, the parties intend by this agreement to set forth their agreement to divide all their marital property in anticipation of divorce."

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A formal statement appearing in a legal document such as a deed that is preliminary in nature and provides an explanation of the reasons for the transaction.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A formal statement appearing in a legal document such as a deed that is preliminary in nature and provides an explanation of the reasons for the transaction.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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