
I verb arrest, avert, ban, bar, barricade, blockade, bridle, check, choke, clog, close, cohibit, constrict, cramp, curb, dam, debar, delay, encumber, estop, exclude, fend off, forbid, foreclose, frustrate, halt, hamper, hinder, hobble, impede, intercept, interdict, interfere with, jam, leave out, limit, obstruct, occlude, oppose, parry, plug up, preclude, prevent, prohibit, proscribe, repulse, restrain, restrict, retard, shut off, shut up, snag, stall, stand in the way, stay, stem, stop, stop up, thwart, trammel, wall up II index arrest (stop), balk, ban, bar (obstruction), bar (hinder), bind (restrain), blockade (barrier), bulk, censorship, check (bar), check (restrain), clog, condemn (ban), constrain (restrain), constrict (inhibit), contain (restrain), damper (stopper), deadlock, debar, defeat, delay, deter, deterrence, deterrent, disadvantage, disqualify, encumber (hinder), enjoin, exclude, forbid, halt (noun), halt (verb), hamper, hinder, hold up (delay), impasse, impede, impediment, interdict, interfere, interpose, interruption, keep (restrain), kill (defeat), limitation, lock, obstacle, obstruct, obstruction, obturate, occlude, oppose, parcel, parry, plot (land), preclude, prevent, procrastinate, prohibit, prohibition, real estate, resist (oppose), section (vicinity), shut, stall, stave, stay (halt), stem (check), stifle, stop, strangle, toll (stop), withhold, withstand

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

A segment of a town or city surrounded by streets and avenues on at least three sides and usually occupied by buildings, though it may be composed solely of vacant lots. The section of a city enclosed by streets that is described by a map which indicates how a portion of land will be subdivided.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A segment of a town or city surrounded by streets and avenues on at least three sides and usually occupied by buildings, though it may be composed solely of vacant lots. The section of a city enclosed by streets that is described by a map which indicates how a portion of land will be subdivided.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу
, , , , , , , , , (as of wood or stone), / , , (on a block), (on which objects are made) / , , , , , / (in a square or a continuous row), / , / , / (in fig. sense), , / , , ,

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  • Block — (bl[o^]k), n. [OE. blok; cf. F. bloc (fr. OHG.), D. & Dan. blok, Sw. & G. block, OHG. bloch. There is also an OHG. bloch, biloh; bi by + the same root as that of E. lock. Cf. {Block}, v. t., {Blockade}, and see {Lock}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A piece… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Block II — Block Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Block, bloc en anglais, peut faire référence à : block manuel et Block automatique lumineux, des systèmes de signalisation ferroviaire, Block… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Block D — ist eine Raketenoberstufe, die in einigen Typen der früheren sowjetischen und jetzigen russischen Trägerraketen verwendet wird. Die verschiedenen Varianten der Block D Oberstufe wurden bereits über 250 mal bei Raketenstarts verwendet[1]. Block D… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Block — may refer to: * A way of controlling train movement in railway signalling * Postage stamp block, an attached group of postage stampsObjects* A large concrete or stone brick * Block (sailing), a single or multiple pulley used on sailboats *… …   Wikipedia

  • Block D — (Блок Д in Russian) is the upper stage of USSR/Russia heavy expendable launch systems, used for the N1 rocket, Proton rocket and Zenit rocket. There were plans to use it for some other rockets as well (project Air Launch).The stage (and its… …   Wikipedia

  • Block! — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Block! Género Serie animada Creador Álvaro Ceppi País Chile Duración por episodio 15 minutos aprox …   Wikipedia Español

  • block — ● block nom masculin (anglais block, action de stopper) Au volley ball, synonyme de contre. Au tennis de table, remise en demi volée. ● block (homonymes) nom masculin (anglais block, action de stopper) bloc nom masculin bloque …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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