due notice

due notice
Information that must be given or made available to a particular person or to the public within a legally mandated period of time so that its recipient will have the opportunity to respond to a situation or to allegations that affect the individual's or public's legal rights or duties.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

due notice
Information that must be given or made available to a particular person or to the public within a legally mandated period of time so that its recipient will have the opportunity to respond to a situation or to allegations that affect the individual's or public's legal rights or duties.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

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  • due notice — Sufficient notice. The notice prescribed by law in the case of where notice is prescribed. Where a statute requires notice to be given, it is the general rule of law that actual personal notice is required, and the notice must be personally… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • due notice — Sufficient, legally prescribed notice. Notice reasonably intended, and with the likelihood of, reaching the particular person or public. No fixed rule can be established as to what shall constitute due notice. Due is a relative term, and must be… …   Black's law dictionary

  • due notice — Sufficient, legally prescribed notice. Notice reasonably intended, and with the likelihood of, reaching the particular person or public. No fixed rule can be established as to what shall constitute due notice. Due is a relative term, and must be… …   Black's law dictionary

  • notice — no·tice 1 n 1 a: a notification or communication of a fact, claim, demand, or proceeding see also process, service ◇ The requirements of when, how, and what notice must be given to a person are often prescribed by a statute, rule, or contract. b …   Law dictionary

  • due — adj [Old French deu, past participle of devoir to owe, from Latin debere] 1 a: satisfying or capable of satisfying an obligation, duty, or requirement under the law the buyer s due performance under the contract due proof of loss b: proper under… …   Law dictionary

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • notice — Information; the result of observation, whether by the senses or the mind; knowledge of the existence of a fact or state of affairs; the means of knowledge. Intelligence by whatever means communicated. Koehn v. Central Nat. Ins. Co. of Omaha, Neb …   Black's law dictionary

  • due — Just; proper; regular; lawful; sufficient; reasonable, as in the phrases due care, due process of law, due notice. Owing; payable; justly owed. That which one contracts to pay or perform to another; that which law or justice requires to be paid… …   Black's law dictionary

  • due — Just; proper; regular; lawful; sufficient; reasonable, as in the phrases due care, due process of law, due notice. Owing; payable; justly owed. That which one contracts to pay or perform to another; that which law or justice requires to be paid… …   Black's law dictionary

  • due process of law — due process of law: due process Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. due process of law …   Law dictionary

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