
judg·ment also judge·ment /'jəj-mənt/ n
1 a: a formal decision or determination on a matter or case by a court; esp: final judgment in this entry compare dictum, disposition, finding, holding, opinion, ruling, verdict
◇ Under Rule 54 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure judgment encompasses a decree and any order from which an appeal lies.
cog·no·vit judgment /käg-'nō-vit-/: an acknowledgment by a debtor of the existence of a debt with agreement that an adverse judgment may be entered without notice or a hearing: confession of judgment
consent judgment: a judgment approved and entered by a court by consent of the parties upon agreement or stipulation: consent decree at decree
declaratory judgment: a judgment declaring a right or establishing the legal status or interpretation of a law or instrument
seeking a declaratory judgment that the regulation is unconstitutional compare damage 2, injunction; specific performance at performance
default judgment: a judgment entered by a court after an entry of default against a party for failure to appear, to file a pleading, or to take other required procedural steps – called also judgment by default; compare decree pro confesso at decree
deficiency judgment: a judgment in favor of a creditor for the balance of a debt that is not satisfied in full by the security; esp: such a judgment following the foreclosure of a mortgage
final judgment: a judgment that leaves nothing further to be done on a matter except execution
in personam judgment: personal judgment in this entry
in rem judgment: judgment in rem in this entry
judgment by default: default judgment in this entry
judgment in per·so·nam /-ˌin-pər-'sō-nəm, -per-'sō-näm/ pl judgments in personam: personal judgment in this entry
judgment in rem /-in-'rem/, pl, judgments in rem: a judgment affecting the status of a particular thing (as an item of property) or subject matter: a judgment rendered by a court exercising in rem jurisdiction compare personal judgment in this entry
judgment ni·si /-'nī-ˌsī, -'nē-sē/, pl, judgments nisi: a judgment that is not final or absolute
after default and judgment nisi requiring them to show cause why it should not be made finalCode of Alabama
judgment non ob·stan·te ve·re·dic·to /-'nän-əb-'stan-tē-ˌver-ə-'dik-tō, -'nȯn-ȯb-'stän-tā-ˌvā-rā-'dēk-tō/, pl, judgments non obstante veredicto [non obstante veredicto, from Medieval Latin, notwithstanding the verdict]: judgment notwithstanding the verdict in this entry
judgment not·with·stand·ing the verdict: a judgment that may be granted upon a motion by a defendant whose motion for a directed verdict was denied and that sets aside the jury's verdict in favor of a judgment in accordance with the motion for directed verdict – called also judgment non obstante veredicto;
judgment of acquittal: a judgment that is rendered upon motion of the defendant or the court's own motion at the close of the evidence and that acquits the defendant of one or more of the offenses charged when the evidence is insufficient to sustain a conviction – called also directed verdict, directed verdict of acquittal;
judgment on the merits: a judgment made after consideration of the substantive as distinguished from procedural issues in a case
judgment on the pleadings: summary judgment in this entry
money judgment: a judgment directing the payment of a sum of money
ni·hil–di·cit judgment /'nī-həl-'di-sit-, -'dī-; 'nē-hil-'dē-kit-/: a judgment entered against a defendant who has failed to make an effective answer (as because the answer is withdrawn or does not respond to the merits of the plaintiff's case) – called also nil dicit judgment;
personal judgment: a judgment determining the rights and liabilities of a particular person: a judgment rendered by a court exercising personal jurisdiction over a person compare judgment in rem in this entry
summary judgment: judgment that may be granted upon a party's motion when the pleadings, discovery, and any affidavits show that there is no genuine issue of material fact and that the party is entitled to judgment in its favor as a matter of law
◇ According to Rule 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, a motion for summary judgment may be made at any time after 20 days following the commencement of the action. Summary judgment may be granted on all or on just part of a case.
b: an obligation (as a debt) created by a decree of a court
collection of...automobile judgment s from uninsured motoristsHarvard Law Review; also: an official document embodying such a decision or decree
c: a declaration by a court of the conviction of a criminal defendant and the punishment to be imposed; specif: sentence
2: the action of judging: the mental or intellectual process of forming an opinion or making a decision; also: an opinion or decision so formed
business judgment: a decision by a person or body (as a board of directors) having authority to act on behalf of a business and usu. marked by reasonableness and the exercise of due care; also: the faculty of making such decisions
sub·sti·tut·ed judgment: a decision regarding medical treatment made by a person (as a family member) on behalf of a person who is incompetent and unable to decide for himself or herself

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I (discernment) noun ability to distinguish, acumen, acuteness, analysis, apperception, appraisal, assessment, astuteness, awareness, circumspection, close observation, cognitive faculties, cognitive powers, comprehension, conclusion, consideration, consilium, contemplation, critical faculty, critical spirit, criticalness, critique, decision, diagnosis, discrimination, discursive faculties, estimate, estimation, evaluation, examination, exhaustive inquiry, grasp, incisiveness, inquiry, insight, inspection, intellectual faculties, intellectual powers, intuition, judicium, judiciousness, keenness, mental faculty, observation, opinion, penetration, perception, perceptiveness, percipience, perspicacity, perspicuousness, probing, quickness, ratiocination, rational faculty, rationality, reasoning, reasoning faculties, reasoning power, review, sagacity, sapience, sharpness of mind, understanding, weighing associated concepts: failure to exercise reasonable judgment foreign phrases:
- Incivile est, nisi tota lege perspecta, una allqua particula ejus proposlta, judicare, vel respondere. — Unless the entire law has been examined, it is improper to pass judgment upon a portion of it
- Judicia in deliberationibus crebro maturescunt, in accelerato processu nunquam. — judgments frequently mature by deliberations, never by hurried process
II (formal court decree) noun adjudgment, adjudication, announcement, arbitrament, assessment, censure, conclusion, condemnation, consideration, decision, declaration, decree, determination, evaluation, finding, Judicium, judicature, judicial assertion, legal decision, opinion, order, precedent, pronouncement, recommendation, report, resolution, result, ruling, sentence associated concepts: advisory judgment, collateral attack on a judgment, conditional judgment, confession by judgment, consent judgment, declaratory judgment, default judgment, deficiency judgment, docketing a judgment, enforcement of a judgment, execution of judgment, final judgment, foreign judgment, full faith and credit, interlocutory judgment, judgment by confession, judgment creditor, judgment debtor, judgment in rem, judgment lien, judgment non obstante veredicto, judgment roll, money judgment, opening a default judgment, personal judgment, relief from judgment, res judicata, satisfaction of a judgment, vacating a judgment foreign phrases:
- Ubi eadem ratio ibi, idem jus; et de similibus idem est judicium. — Where there is the same reason, there is the same law; and where there are similar situations, the judgment is the same
- Respiciendum est judicanti, nequid aut durius aut remissius constituatur quam causa deposcit; nec enim aut severitatis aut clementiae gloria affectanda est — It is a matter of import to a judge that nothing should be either more leniently or more severely construed than the cause itself demands, for neither the glory of severity nor clemency should be affected.
- Non exemplis sed legibus judicandum est. — Judgment should not be rendered from examples, but by the law.
- Res judicata pro veritate acclpHur. — A thing which is adjudicated is accepted or received for the truth.
- Judicium non debet esse illusorium; suum effectum habere debet — A judgment ought not to be illusory; it ought to have its proper effect
- Judicium a non suo judice datum nullius est momenti. — A judgment by one who is not the proper judge is of no force.
- Omnis conclusio bonl et veri judicll sequitur ex bonis et veris praemissis et dictis juratorum. — Every conclusion of a good and true judgment arises from good and true premises, and the verdicts of jurors.
- In praeparatorils ad judicium favetur actorl. — In those matters preceding judgment the plaintiff is favored.
- Frustra agit qui judicium prosequi nequit cum effectu. — He sues vainly who cannot prosecute his judgment with effect
- Sacramentum habet in se tres comttes, – veritatem, justitiam, et judicium; verkus habenda est in jurato; justitia et justicium in judice. — An oath has in it three components – truth, justice, and judgment; truth in the party swearing; justice and judgment in the judge administering the oath.
- Veredictum, quasi dictum veritatls; ut judicium, quasi juris dictum. — A verdict is, as it were, the expression of the truth; as a judgment is the expression of the law.
- Judicium semper pro veritate accipttur. — A judgment is always taken for truth.
- Judiciis posterioribus fides est adhlbenda. — Credit should be given in the more recent decisions.
- Judex non reddit plus quam quod petens Ipse requirk. — A judge should not render judgments for a larger sum than the plaintiff demands.
- Parum est latam esse sententiam nisi mandetur executioni. — It is not enough that sentence should be given unless it be reduced to execution.
III index adjudication, alternative (option), apprehension (perception), arbitration, authority (documentation), belief (state of mind), caliber (mental capacity), choice (decision), common sense, concept, conclusion (determination), condemnation (punishment), consideration (contemplation), conviction (finding of guilt), conviction (persuasion), decision (election), decree, deliberation, determination, diagnosis, dialectic, dictate, direction (order), discipline (punishment), edict, estimate (idea), estimation (calculation), experience (background), fiat, finding, holding (ruling of a court), idea, inference, notion, opinion (belief), opinion (judicial decision), outcome, perception, position (point of view), pronouncement, prudence, recommendation, regard (esteem), relief (legal redress), res judicata, result, ruling, sagacity, sense (intelligence), sensibility, standpoint, verdict, vote

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) The ability to form opinions and make decisions.
(2) The court’s final decision in a trial; the amount of money awarded to the prevailing party by the court.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

A final court ruling resolving the key questions in a lawsuit and determining the rights and obligations of the parties. For example, after a trial involving a vehicle accident, a court will issue a judgment stating which party was at fault and how much money that party must pay the other. (See also: decree)
Category: Accidents & Injuries
Category: Representing Yourself in Court
Category: Small Claims Court
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

n. A court's final resolution of the issues before it at trial or upon a dispositive motion.
@ default judgment
A judgment entered due to the failure of the defendant to answer or otherwise respond to the claim.
+default judgment A judgment entered against a party to a litigation as a result of that party's failure to appear or contest the claim.
@ deficiency judgment
A judgment in favor of a creditor following a forced sale of property, for the difference between the amount owed and the amount collected as a result of the sale, so as to fully compensate the creditor.
+deficiency judgment A judgment for the balance of a debt already partly paid, typically through a forced sale of personal or real property.
@ final judgment
A judgment which fully ends a case, on its merits (as opposed to on procedural grounds). A final judgment is generally necessary before a party can file an appeal.
=>> judgment.
@ foreign judgment
A judgment of a different state or country than the one in which the judgment is being challenged or as to which enforcement is sought.
@ judgment debtor
A debtor who owes money to a creditor who has obtained a judgment against the debtor in that amount.
+judgment debtor One who owes a sum of money to another by virtue of a judgment that has previously been rendered
@ judgment docket
A roll or listing of judgments maintained by a clerk or administrative office of a court.
@ judgment in rem
A judgment that disposes of property, or resolves competing interests in a piece of property, as opposed to a judgment that is against a person ordering payment of money.
@ judgment lien
A lien against property that results from a judicial proceeding in which a monetary award has been made and has been reduced to judgment; until payment of the judgment, a lien will be placed against all real property (and some personal property) of the individual or entity that owes payment of the judgment.
@ judgment non obstante veridicto
Latin Judgment notwithstanding the verdict. In rare cases, a judge may enter a judgment in favor of one party despite a jury's award against that party; generally in cases where the evidence was such that no reasonable jury could have come to the determination that it did. Abbreviated j.n.o.v.
@ judgment of conviction
The final decision in a criminal case, which includes the plea taken by the defendant, the verdict, any court findings, and the ultimate sentence.
@ judgment of dismissal
A judgment invalidating or otherwise disposing of the plaintiff's or the prosecutor's claims prior to a trial.
@ judgment on the merits
A judgment issued after the parties have had a full chance to present evidence and witnesses at trial.
@ judgment on the pleadings
A judgment that is issued on the pleadings alone, either on the basis that the plaintiff's pleadings are inadequate or that the defendant has failed to plead any fact that negates the plaintiff's claims or raises an affirmative defense.
@ personal judgment
A judgment imposing personal liability on a defendant.
=>> judgment.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

A decision by a court or other tribunal that resolves a controversy and determines the rights and obligations of the parties.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

A decision by a court or other tribunal that resolves a controversy and determines the rights and obligations of the parties.
II The official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the rights and claims of parties to an action or suit submitted to the court for determination. (See also summary judgment.)

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   the final decision by a court in a lawsuit, criminal prosecution or appeal from a lower court's judgment, except for an "interlocutory judgment," which is tentative until a final judgment is made. The word "decree" is sometimes used as synonymous with judgment.
   See also: decree

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Judgment — Judg ment, n. [OE. jugement, F. jugement, LL. judicamentum, fr. L. judicare. See {Judge}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act of judging; the operation of the mind, involving comparison and discrimination, by which a knowledge of the values and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • judgment — UK [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt] / US or judgement UK / US noun Word forms judgment : singular judgment plural judgments ** 1) [countable/uncountable] an opinion that you have after thinking carefully about something judgment about: It is still too soon to form a …   English dictionary

  • Judgment! — Studioalbum von Andrew Hill Veröffentlichung 1964 Label Blue Note …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • judgment — (n.) mid 13c., action of trying at law, trial, also capacity for making decisions, from O.Fr. jugement legal judgment; diagnosis; the Last Judgment (11c.), from jugier (see JUDGE (Cf. judge) (v.)). From late 13c. as penalty imposed by a court;… …   Etymology dictionary

  • judgment n.o.v. — judgment n.o.v. judgment n.o.v. abbr [Medieval Latin n on o bstante v eredicto]judgment notwithstanding the verdict Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • judgment — [n1] common sense acumen, acuteness, apprehension, astuteness, awareness, brains, capacity, comprehension, discernment, discrimination, experience, genius, grasp, incisiveness, ingenuity, intelligence, intuition, keenness, knowledge, mentality,… …   New thesaurus

  • judgment — [juj′mənt] n. [ME jugement < OFr < ML judicamentum < L judicare: see JUDGE, vt. vi.] 1. the act of judging; deciding 2. a legal decision; order, decree, or sentence given by a judge or law court 3. a) a debt or other obligation resulting …   English World dictionary

  • judgment — A formal decision, sentence or Order of a Court of Justice. (Dictionary of Canadian Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • judgment — 1 conclusion, deduction, inference (see under INFER) Analogous words: decision, determination, ruling (see corresponding verbs at DECIDE): *opinion, conviction, persuasion, view, belief 2 *sense, wisdom, gumption Analogous words: intelligence,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • judgment — A sense of knowledge sufficient to comprehend nature of transaction. Thomas v. Young, 57 App. D.C. 282, 22 F.2d 588, 590. An opinion or estimate. McClung Const. Co. v. Muncy, Tex.Civ.App., 65 S.W.2d 786, 790. The formation of an opinion or notion …   Black's law dictionary

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