
I (appear) verb become manifest, become noticeable, become visible, come forth, come in sight, come in view, come to light, come to notice, emerge, make an appearance, manifest itself, present itself, reveal itself, show itself associated concepts: arise under an obligation, arise under the laws of the United States, arising out of a contract, arising out of and in the course of employment, arising out of employment, arising under federal law, arising under the Constitution, arising upon contract, cause of action arising, counterclaim arising out of the plaintiffs claim II (occur) verb become operative, come about, come to pass, eventuate, get under way, happen, proceed, take place, transpire III (originate) verb accrue, be born, be derived, become, begin, come from, come into action, come into being, come into existence, come to be, emanate, ensue, eventuate, evolve, flow, follow, grow out of, have origin, initiate, issue forth, proceed from, spring forth, spring up, start, start out, take birth, take origin IV index appear (materialize), commence, disobey, emerge, ensue, occur (happen), proceed (go forward), rebel, redound, result, stem (originate), succeed (follow), supervene

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  • Arise — A*rise ([.a]*r[imac]z ), v. i. [imp. {Arose} ( r[=o]z ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Arising}; p. p. {Arisen} ( r[i^]z n).]. [AS. [=a]r[=i]san; [=a] (equiv. to Goth. us , ur , G. er , orig. meaning out) + r[=i]san to rise; cf. Goth. urreisan to arise. See… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • arise — Note that arise and rise are intransitive verbs (i.e. they cannot take an object and cannot be used in the passive), whereas arouse and rouse are generally transitive and require a grammatical object. The meaning of arise ‘to get out of bed’ has… …   Modern English usage

  • arise — [v1] come into being; proceed appear, begin, come to light, commence, crop up, derive, emanate, emerge, ensue, flow, follow, happen, head, issue, occur, originate, result, rise, set in, spring, start, stem; concept 105 arise [v2] get, stand, or… …   New thesaurus

  • arise — ► VERB (past arose; past part. arisen) 1) originate or become apparent. 2) (arise from/out of) occur as a result of. 3) formal or literary get or stand up. ORIGIN Old English, related to RISE(Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • Arise — A*rise , n. Rising. [Obs.] Drayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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