
land n
1: an area of the earth usu. inclusive of improvements, bodies of water, and natural or man-made objects and extending indefinitely upward and downward compare air right
2: an estate, interest, or right in land
land means both surface and mineral rightsCalifornia Public Resources Code

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun property, real estate, seisin, terrain, tract associated concepts: abutting land, adjacent land, agreement to sell land, alienation of land, appurtenance to land, common lands, condemnation of land, contiguous land, contract of sale of land, convey an interest in land, covenants running with the land, easement, easement running with the land, equitable interest in land, high land, improvements upon land, interest in land, land contract, land grant, land tax, lease of land, lien on land, raw land, right of way, subdivision of land, suit to recover land, survey of land, title in land, title in fee, trespass on land tract, undivided land, unimproved land, vacant land, waste lands II index alight, circuit, curtilage, demesne, domain (land owned), fee (estate), freehold, holding (property owned), immovable, parcel, premises (buildings), property (land), real estate, realm, realty, region, territory

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

(1) Soil or earth, including plants growing on it and rocks embedded in it.
(2) Property, especially in the form of land; real property.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

not only the physical surface of land but everything growing on or underneath that surface, anything permanently affixed to the surface (such as a building) and the airspace above that surface. It includes not only the soil or earth but always any water, a pond, for example, being regarded as land covered by water. Land may be divisible both horizontally and vertically; thus, ownership of the surface may be vested in one person while ownership of mines and minerals are vested in another. It is perfectly possible to have 'flying freeholds', where ownership of different storeys of the same building are vested in different persons (Scotland has a developed law of the tenement). In Australia and New Zealand the concept of strata titles has been developed to cope with the practical ramifications of this (e.g. enforcement of positive obligations in respect of freehold titles). The normal remedy of a judgment creditor against land or an interest in land of the debtor is either by application for a charging order on the land or for a receiver by way of equitable execution, or both.

Collins dictionary of law. . 2001.

Real estate that can be transferred by deed. It usually includes permanent structures such as buildings.
Category: Real Estate & Rental Property → Buying a House

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

1 Real property.
2 An area of ground with defined boundaries, including minerals or resources below the surface and anything growing on or attached to the surface.

Webster's New World Law Dictionary. . 2000.

   real property, real estate (and all that grows thereon), and the right to minerals underneath and the airspace over it. It may include improvements like buildings, but not necessarily. The owner of the land may give a long-term (like 99 years) lease to another with the right to build on it. The improvement is a "leasehold" for ownership of the right to use-without ownership of-the underlying land. The right to use the air above a parcel of land is subject to height limitations by local ordinance, state or federal law.
   See also: real estate, real property

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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