
ob·ject 1 /'äb-jikt/ n
1: something toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed see also natural object
2: the purpose or goal of something; esp in the civil law of Louisiana: the purpose for which a contract or obligation is formed
ob·ject 2 /əb-'jekt/ vt: to state in opposition or as an objection
object ed that the evidence was inadmissible
vi: to state opposition esp. to something in a judicial proceeding
object ed to the testimony on the ground that it was hearsay

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

I noun aim, butt, commodity, concern, consilium, corporeal body, design, destination, end, final cause, finis, goal, item, material product, material substance, matter, point, propositum, purpose, subject, substance, target, ultimate purpose II verb attack, be at variance, be averse, call in question, challenge, complain, contra dicere recusare, contravene, controvert, criticize, demur, disagree, disapprove, dispute, dissent, enter a demurrer, enter a protest, except, express an objection, express disapproval, find fault, oppose, protest, put forward in opposition, quarrel, repugnare, resist, state by way of objection, state opposition, take exception III index article (commodity), cause (reason), collide (clash), complain (criticize), condemn (ban), conflict, confront (oppose), connotation, content (meaning), contest, counter, demonstrate (protest), demur, deprecate, design (intent), destination, determinant, differ (disagree), disaccord, disaffirm, disagree, disallow, disapprove (reject), disown (deny the validity), dissent (withhold assent), doubt (distrust), end (intent), entity, expostulate, fight (counteract), goal, idea, intent, intention, item, motive, negate, oppose, oppugn, point (purpose), predetermination, project, purpose, pursuit (goal), reason (basis), recipient, reject, remonstrate, reprehend, signification, target

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

Purpose; goal; aim.
To protest; to express disapproval; in court, to protest that the opposing party’s action or statement is improper or illegal.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

As a verb, to take exception to something; to declare or express the belief that something is improper or illegal.
As a noun, the thing sought to be accomplished or attained; aim; purpose; intention.

Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.

As a verb, to take exception to something; to declare or express the belief that something is improper or illegal.
As a noun, the thing sought to be accomplished or attained; aim; purpose; intention.

Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.

   1) v. to ask the court not to allow a particular question asked of a witness by the opposing lawyer on the basis that it is either legally not permitted, confusing in its wording or improper in its "form." An attorney may also object to an answer to the question on the basis that it is not "responsive" since a witness is limited to answering a question as asked and is not allowed to make unsolicited comments. The trial attorney must be alert and quick in order to object before the witness answers. This is called an "objection" and must be based on a specific list of legal restrictions on questions.
   2) n. a particular thing.
   3) n. an aim or purpose, as "the object of the contract..."
   See also: objection

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • object — [äb′jikt, äbjekt; ] for v. [ əb jekt′, äbjekt′] n. [ME < ML objectum, something thrown in the way < L objectus, a casting before, that which appears, orig. pp. of objicere < ob (see OB ) + jacere, to throw: see JET1] 1. a thing that can… …   English World dictionary

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