
I noun adverse circumstance, adversity, block, blockade, blockage, burden, check, curb, damage, defect, deficiency, detainment, determent, deterrence, deterrent, detriment, difficulty, disability, disablement, discommodity, discouragement, drawback, embarrassment, encumbrance, failing, fault, frailty, hamper, handicap, harm, hindrance, holdback, impediment, imperfection, imperfectness, imposition, inadequacy, inaptitude, incommodum, inconvenience, inexpedience, inferiority, infirmity, inhibition, iniquitas, injury, insalubriousness, insufficiency, interference, lack, liability, limitation, loss, nuisance, objection, obstacle, obstruction, penalty, prejudice, prevention, problem, repression, resistance, restraint, restriction, retardation, retardment, setback, shortcoming, stifling, stumbling block, suppression, taint, unfavorable circumstance, unfavorableness, weak point, weakness foreign phrases:
- Cujus est commodum ejus debet esse incommodum. — He who receives a benefit should also bear the disadvantage
II verb astrict, baffle, balk, bridle, burden, cause problems, check, circumscribe, constrain, cramp, cumber, curb, damage, deprive of advantage, disaccommodate, discommode, encumber, foil, frustrate, hamper, handicap, harm, hinder, hold back, hold in check, impair, impede, impedite, incommode, incommodum, inconvenience, inhibit, injure, interfere with, limit, muzzle, obstruct, overburden, overload, prejudice, put out, rein, repress, restrict, retard, saddle, shackle, stall, stymie, suppress, thwart, trammel, weaken, weigh down III index damper (stopper), detriment, discommode, drawback, encumber (hinder), encumbrance, expense (sacrifice), fetter, handicap, harm, hindrance, impairment (drawback), inconvenience, incumbrance (burden), inexpedience, liability, misfortune, penalty, prejudice (injury), prejudice (injure)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • disadvantage — n Disadvantage, detriment, handicap, drawback mean something which interferes with the success or well being of a person or thing. Disadvantage often implies an act, circumstance, or condition which threatens to affect or does actually affect a… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Disadvantage — Dis ad*van tage (?; 48, 61), n. [Cf. F. d[ e]savantage.] 1. Deprivation of advantage; unfavorable or prejudicial quality, condition, circumstance, or the like; that which hinders success, or causes loss or injury. [1913 Webster] I was brought… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disadvantage — [dis΄əd vant′ij] n. [ME disavauntage < OFr desavantage: see DIS & ADVANTAGE] 1. an unfavorable situation or circumstance; drawback; handicap 2. loss or injury, as to reputation or credit; detriment vt. disadvantaged, disadvantaging to act to… …   English World dictionary

  • disadvantage — [n2] hurt, loss damage, deprivation, detriment, disservice, harm, injury, prejudice; concepts 230,309,679 Ant. advantage, benefit, blessing, gain, profit disadvantage(s) [n1] difficulty, trouble adverse circumstance, bar, blocking, burden, defect …   New thesaurus

  • Disadvantage — Dis ad*van tage, v. t. [Cf. F. d[ e]savantager.] To injure the interest of; to be detrimental to. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disadvantage — (n.) late 14c., disavauntage, from O.Fr. desavantage (13c.), from des (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + avantage (see ADVANTAGE (Cf. advantage)). The verb is attested from 1530s, from the noun …   Etymology dictionary

  • disadvantage — ► NOUN ▪ an unfavourable circumstance or condition. ► VERB 1) put in an unfavourable position. 2) (disadvantaged) in socially or economically deprived circumstances. DERIVATIVES disadvantageous adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • Disadvantage — Part of the series Policy Debate Organization Policy debate competitions Inter Collegiate policy debate Format Structure of policy debate · Resolution Constructive · Reb …   Wikipedia

  • disadvantage — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, decided (esp. AmE), distinct, grave, great, huge, major, obvious, real, serious …   Collocations dictionary

  • disadvantage — n. 1) to offset, outweigh a disadvantage 2) a decided disadvantage 3) a disadvantage for, to 4) a disadvantage to + inf. (it was a disadvantage not to have a car available = it was a disadvantage not having a car available) 5) at a disadvantage… …   Combinatory dictionary

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